Monday, January 19, 2009

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap Winter Edition: Blocks for whoopededoo_5, southernflower, ritapizza, and lourapalmr

I have finished more blocks for the Craftster Lap Quilt Swap. The one above is for ritapizza. I tried wavy seams with this one due to the mermaids. I liked the idea of the mermaids floating up a waterfall and the tadpole jars lined up below waiting to sprout in the water. I love her fabric and her finished quilt is going to be gorgeous!

This is another one for whoopdedoo_5 using her other set of fabric.

The one above and below is for southernflower. I love the color combinations she sent out.

I really like the scaley green fabric in this one.

This final one is for lourapalmr. She sent out lots of scrappy fabric. Her quilt will be full of different types of fabric when it is finished. I know it will be beautiful!


Dionne said...

These blocks are looking great. Love the block for RitaPizza, her fabrics are so much fun.

isolada. by design said...

I spotted the second block for southernflower earlier on your slideshow. It immediately caught my eye for how bright & beautiful it is. The mermaids and tadpole jars...too cute! And the wavy lines definitely add a little fresh flavor. Lovely, lovey blocks, all of them, given your attention to detail which showcases the fabrics you've been sent so well. NICE!

You're doing great catching up on your swaps. Rock on! :)

SewAmy said...

love all the fabric everyone is choosing. Especially the Heather Ross fabric.

Sherry said...

I've never seen the wavy line thing. Is that an audreypawdrey creation or some pattern you found somewhere? How cute! And the little jars below, too. I can see you've been very busy! They all look good.

Stephanie D said...

I like the swirly mermaid one--think that's my favorite, but I love the fabrics with the fish theme!

Janice said...

I am a first time visitor and loved what I saw. You have a great talent. I love looking at the ladies that quilt. It is nice to see that people are still quilting. I grew up playing under quilt frames. I just never picked up quilting for myself. I should have.

Ritapizza said...

Thank you, Audrey, for such a beautiful block! I love how you described the sentiment behind your design! It's such an amazing block with the mermaids floating up a waterfall and tadpoles waiting to sprout :) The wavey patchwork is so cool! Lourapalmr's scrappy block is really fabulous too! gah! I love them all! You rock, Audrey!

em's scrapbag said...

I really like the mermaid block and the blue and green one. Great job! Have a great day! Em

Unknown said...

Love all your blocks! the wavy seams for Rita - my favorite :)

QuiltedSimple said...

Hey there! First off, these blocks look like such fun. I'm working on posting on Craftster so I can join the next round. Also, thanks for playing my "brought to you by the letter..." game. You've won the letter "H". I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Shannon said...

Blog hopping through the Project Improv list.....

Love the mermaids and especially the blue and green scaley block!!!

Anonymous said...

I Love the yellow fabric in the first block! I havent seen the tadpole har fabric before - its so cute! The blocks look great :)