I sewed the last two yo-yos together this morning, and it feels so good to have it be finished! My daughter thinks the yo-yo's look like flowers, and she points at it and says, "flowers" which led me to take the quilt to the park and rose garden this morning to snap some pictures of it.

I could also call this my "traveling quilt" because it has definitely traveled. When I started the quilt, I was living in Birmingham, AL, then I got married and moved to Ft. Payne, AL where we lived for about a year. We then moved to Denver, CO, which is where we live now. It has traveled across the country with us as we have moved several times. I have worked on it while driving from Denver to Hobbs, NM to visit my brother, sister-in-law, and new niece, and it has been to Destin, FL several times over the summer to visit with my family. It traveled up to Newport, VA one New Year's Eve to go to a concert, and it has also been to San Francisco, Dallas, Atlanta, and New Orleans. I even worked on it on the ten hour drive from Denver to Yellowstone National Park several years ago. Many of my friends have seen me working on this from time to time over the last eight(!) years, which is so different than the quilts I have worked on with the machine. I like that it has traveled so much, and it was easy to take with me since it was hand sewing.

The final quilt is 56 yo-yos across by 56 yo-yos down with the yo-yos being approximately 1-5/8 inches across. It is 90" square, which I think makes it a queen size quilt. It has 3, 156 yo-yos!

Honestly, if I had known eight years ago that it would take so long, I don't know that I would have started it, but I am so glad that I did!

Super beautiful quilt! Way to go on this finish!
That's beautiful..
Amazing! You're perseverance with this hand stitched project paid off, it is stunning.
A quilt full of wonderful memories.
Amazing! I love that it has traveled so much. I love your photos too! What will you do with it?
at our last frmqg meeting there was a lady who had an antique yo-yo quilt... amazing to see all the hard work you did!!
This is ridiculously fabulous. I'm with you, though. If you told me it would take 8 years to finish a quilt, I'd put down the fabric and walk away. :)
Great finish. It looks incredible.
It turned out beautiful, Audrey!
an amazing amount of work! And it is gorgeous!
So ambitious! And so gorgeous!
that is simply stunning! congrats on the finish!
This is exquisite! You should be justifiably proud of the results. Congratulations.
Beautiful quilt, and wow! great pictures!!
I'm a new follower. I'm blown away by your yo-yo quilt. We have a lady in our guild that made one, but hers was only half the size of yours. It truly is a work of art. And so many memories of all the places it travelled to. also I love the postage stamp quilt, always wanted to do one.......maybe if i get my stack of ufo's finished.....
It's gorgeous!!!! Congratulations on finishing it, it's truly a beautiful piece of art!
OH my goodness! Your Yo-Yo quilt is GORGEOUS!! Love it. :D
(hello from Florida - surfing quilt bloggers)
I just stumbled across your blog when I googled postage stamp quilts, and I wanted to say that your work is amazing and inspiring! I'm cutting up my scrap stash right now, and your quilts give me so many exciting ideas. Thanks for sharing!
Oh, my! I saw this quilt at our last meeting in Monument but your pictures are just so lovely!!! It is truly a work of art. I am the new member who said your yo yo quilt belongs in a museum. Indeed, if I were you I would approach the DAM to donate it. I know you probably love it in your arms, but can you IMAGINE it on a wall at the DAM!!!!! It is just so stunning. I can understand how proud you are.
this is so gorgeous! way to go, Audrey.
i have a question, though. is there open space between the curves of the yo-yo's? like a lacy afghan? or maybe it has a backing? or maybe it just looks like flat circles on the back? i'm sorry if i sound like an idiot, but i just don't understand yo-yo quilts yet. thanks for your help :)
Amazing! I'm about to embark on the YoYo quest... Precisely because I can travel with it. I don't think I'll make it quite that big, though! Congrats!
oh. my. goodness.
amazing, Audrey. this is a beautiful piece. congrats on finishing such a monumental quilt!!!
Holy smokes! I just stumbled into your blog this afternoon (via SewAmy) and WOW! I'm so glad I did or I might never have seen your gorgeous yo-yo quilt! This is really astounding, you did a beautiful job. I have a small pile of yoyo's building up (you're right they are excellent for traveling project), but I don't know quite what I'll do with them yet...
Anyhoo, I couldn't leave your blog without telling you how lovely this is. Have a great weekend!
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