This has really been my month for pay it forwards! I signed up for a pay it forward on Katy's blog
imagingermonkey a while back and then completely forgot about it! She is also one of my partners on the scrappy Christmas block swap on flickr, and she told me last week that my package was on its way, which is when I remembered having signed up. So imagine my surprise and delight when I opened the package to reveal this beautiful animal quilt! Excuse the wrinkles in the picture above-my excitement about photographing outweighed getting the wrinkles out from shipping.:)
A couple of days ago she
posted about an interview she did for mixtape, and in the second picture down, you can see a picture of another quilt she did that is just like this one! I find that very exciting. It is a famous quilt, you see! Plus, she is now famous, too!

I love it so much! It works perfectly in our baby's room as you can see. It has all the perfect colors, and it appears as if it was made for this room specifically.

Check out how well it goes with our white rocking chair and the little chair pad I made a few weeks back.

One of my favorite parts is the label she included on the back of the quilt. I really need to start making labels for all of my quilts. So our little one will have a fabulous quilt made for her from all the way across the big pond in England. I think that is pretty fantastic. Thanks Katy! I absolutely adore it and it will be well loved and treasured for many years to come.
This leads me to my part of the pay it forward obligation. The first 3 names who want to play along will get a little handmade something from me in the next 365 days. The only condition is to do one of your own. If you have a blog have your own Pay It Forward, and spread a little handmade loveliness to 3 other people to keep the chain of handmade goodness going on and on. :) Isn't that a lovely thought? Get ready, set, go sign up if you want to play!
Go check out
Katy's blog as well!