
Monday, January 25, 2010

2009 Retrospective

zigzag baby quilt 1.1, zigzag baby quilt 1.2, oh cherry, oh! strip twist quilt, pink and green strip twist, hello betty, craftster lapquilt swap fall edition , summertime hourglass, black&yellow baby quilt


Learned I was pregnant…gave the excited phone call to family to let them know the exciting news… finishing up Craftster lap quilt swap...nervous and excited...


Saw Zerah’s heartbeat for the first time… finish Christmas table runner…want to start baby quilts for Zerah but afraid it will jinx the pregnancy...make a king cake...

sewconnected and sewconnected 2 blocks for 2009


Starting to grow and expand… trying to fit in all of my clothes…starting to hate waistbands… trip to Durango, CO …see Mesa Verde and sit in hot springs…finish zigzag quilt...


Told everyone at work when I was 16 weeks…. Moving into maternity pants…waiting to feel flutters...finish two baby quilts- zigzag and squares askew...


Find out she is a girl…attend a wedding in Atlanta… really starting to show…travel 10 hours very uncomfortably in the car to my niece’s 1st birthday in Hobbs, NM…felt movement for the first time!


Out of school for the summer… set up the crib… make little girl dresses…start taking prenatal yoga and love the stretching…friends from Birmingham, Jessica and Andrew, come to Denver for a conference and we get to hang out after five years of not seeing them…. really feeling movement and my husband finally can feel her at 27 weeks…friend Phillip comes to visit from New Orleans, and we take him out on the town…finish quilt summertime hourglass quilt

various projects from 2009


Mom comes to visit and we sew, sew, sew making bedskirts and dresses… repaint the dresser…finish craftster quilt for our bed… continue taking prenatal yoga….realize basting is hard when your belly extends far out in front of you… is ready for Zerah!...movement every day…work on blocks for 3x3 swap...make a diaper bag and changing pad...make a buttercup bag for me!...


Taking prepared childbirth…taking breastfeeding classes….realize I can eat ice cream after being lactose intolerant for years…start eating a blizzard a week…try to sew as much as possible to get things ready...finish hello betty quilt for Zerah…start back to school… feeling hiccups and watching my belly move on its own accord…kicking my ribs…feeling her flip


Grading essays, grading essays, grading essays…getting sub plans ready…getting bags packed…hoping she doesn’t come early…watching my belly sway left and right as I walk…feeling her drop…going to bed early…hiccups in the middle of the night…heartburn kicks in…tums are my friend…feeling and timing contractions…last day of work so she can arrive now..going to the hospital…getting sent back home-no dilation….mom arrives a day early and just in time…go back to the hospital-now I am 7 cm…working through pain without drugs…arrival of Zerah…feeling complete joy and love that she is finally here!...wondering if I will ever sleep more that two hours at a time ever again…hanging out with Zerah and my parents…working through the pain of nursing…cuddling some more..kisses and hugs….happy…


Days spent kissing and cuddling…nursing going well….going for long walks…Zerah goes to her 1st doctor’s appointment…sleeping whenever I can…hours spent holding her…Zerah has stomach aches-cut out dairy, citrus, and tomatoes from my diet…no more blizzards..lots of kisses...


Arrival of grandparents…taking Zerah to a restaurant…trip to Vail…snuggling…walking…reading…nursing…my parents arrive for Thanksgiving…time with family…second doctor’s appointment…kissing and hugging…dirty diapers and silly songs…


Getting into a routine…walking…reading…cuddling…not eating cheese…sewing up Christmas presents-making a cape and some food…. Flying with a 3 month old by myself….arriving in Alabama…spending time with family… get to see Faust and Natalie again…parties at my parent’s house…buy and plant a tree for Zerah….drive to Mobile…more Christmas…see family….relaxing…eating good food, but not dairy….fly back to Denver…nursing, burping, kissing, cuddling, and loving….

I believe this year will be the year of the dress because I have a list of dresses that I want to make. I also want to finish all of my quilt tops. 2009 was a good year because Zerah arrived!


  1. Oh, Audrey, she's LOVELY! What gorgeous eyes! Killer eyelashes!!

    And how cute are those little red shoes??

    It must really be hard to leave her, but oh, what you get to come home to!

    THanks for sharing those photos of your little angel!

  2. Your daughter is beautiful! That is fun to read your recap, thanks for the post.

  3. what a great year you had. Can't wait to see come cute dresses. :o)

  4. you had a terrifically awesome year!

  5. Great recap of the year. Especially loved the pics of Zerah! she is so sweet.

  6. What a post!! And, again, I'm just amazed at how industrious you are! Everything is wonderful and Zerah is the cutest little girl! Little girls are SO much fun!


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