
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Last night I finished another square for the Lap Quilt Swap I am in over at Craftster. I decided to continue with the wonky theme. I love the buttefly fabric. I am a little out of my comfort zone with making a block like this for someone else. I feel as if she is either going to love it or not like it.

We are waiting on 4 tons of rocks to show up to put into the front garden area we landscaped this week. They say that a ton of rocks will only cover 90 square feet, two inches tall-that doesn't seem right in my head. We spent about three hours yesterday putting the rest o f the plants in and laying the weed block fabric over it. Hopefully, we can get all of the rocks scattered over it today and plant our new crab apple tree.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Postage Stamp Quilt

I worked on my postage stamp quilt this weekend. I realized I have not posted any pictures of it yet, so you are in for a plethora of pictures. Be forewarned! I collected numerous squares from very kind people on including a swap completely dedicated to swapping 1.5" squares. Imagine that! I am trying this fusible gridded interfacing type material, adhering the squares with an iron to that, and then sewing it together. If anyone is interested, I can post a tutorial. With that said, my corners line up nicely, but my blocks did not necessarily come out to be the exact same size. I think I need to work on my 1/4 inch seam allowance a little and sew a little slower! (The obviously smaller yellow square is due to my not snipping the seams before I sewed the other way-it may/will be repurposed into another project) Please excuse the annoying flash light at the bottom of the picture.Don't they look neat all lined up though? These are the unfinished/unsewn blocks that are just fused together.
I am still missing huge quanities of orange and purple. I would like 5 blocks of each color which means 500 squares of orange, red, yellow, purple, and green! I am pretty close on my green squares (within 50 or so squares) and I think I need about 100 red squares to finish up my red.

I need around 350 squares of both orange and purple and 200 blue! I find this amazing. I traded 60 squares with 10 different people on craftster during the original swap-which equals 600 squares and then I did a personal swap with athenamat for around 350? squares. That is pretty crazy, right? I sent 350 little squares of fabric through the mail to New York and she mailed that many back to Colorado. That takes pen pals to a whole new level. It is neat that this quilt will eventually have fabric from many locations across the United States.

Fresh Squeezed Disappearing Nine Patch WIP

This past weekend I worked a little on my Fresh Squeezed Disappearing Nine Patch. I managed to get the top pieced together. It is approximately 48x48" right now. I am debating adding a 6 inch border. I need to go see if I can find fabric that will blend in with all these different fabrics! I may try orange or maybe a green. I haven't fully decided yet. It will probably have to wait until this weekend.
Work has been super busy this week since it is the last week of school. Just a few more days and it will be summer vacation! Yeah! We spent all weekend working on our front yard. Brandon is building a stone wall along the front sidewalk with those pavers that you can buy at Home Depot. We are planting xeriscape plants along side it to cut down on some of the grass we have to water and cut. I did manage to sneak a few flowers in but they are drought tolerant and super hardy.

This is one of the plants we bought ready to be planted! It is Autumn Stonecrop. It looks really neat up close.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Nickel Dog turned Wonky!

This block is intentionally wonky but not finished!
I had four dog patches left over after my nickel dog quilt was finished. They just didn't make the cut for on reason or other. I adore this fabric. I made a dog with the fabric below and I like it. I was worried it wouldn't really show up against a border of white though, so it was put aside.

I finally decided I wasn't going to let all of that work go to waste and so proceeded to start building some wonky log cabin blocks around these dogs using my left over fabric.
I realized I probably would not have enough of just that fabric to make pillows out of all four dogs so I pieced together some more squares of my charm pack. I love the strawberries on the blue!
I then added it to the borders! You can see this in the first picture as well. These are not finished but I am really enjoying making them! They will eventually become pillows to go along with the doggie quilt I made earlier. This is destined for someone-if I can bear giving it up! I learned how to do the wonky log cabin block from Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie Studio.

I am loving the patched border! I absolutely love this fabric line. It is so summery and happy.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quilt-A-Long Setting Blocks

I have been working on the setting blocks for crazymomquilts quiltalong. I have finished six blocks with some errors along the way. I have finished six blocks that are above. I am using alternating dark brown centers with a green and orange floral design and a blue and yellow floral design which you can kind of see in the picture. If anyone wants, I will provide close up pictures. The block below shows how I messed up two of the blocks. Once this one is fixed I will have 7 of 12 finished! waahooo! (My best attempt at typing my dad's war hoop-which he gives when Auburn is winning or just when the mood strikes) Dad, please correct me with the correct spelling of the infamous war whoop because I know I am wrong in that spelling but I am not sure how to spell it purely based on sound.

This is an example of how I messed up! The top right corner has been removed due to errors and the bottom right corner should show you what the error(s) might be. hmmm.... So anyway, I am working on some wonky log cabin dogs based on the nickel dog quilt I posted previously. Those might appear in some fashion tomorrow-maybe not finished but partially finished. I can't decide if I should make them into separate throw pillows or two pillow shams. Contemplate it, all 12 people (I might be exaggerating, but I am including family (yes, Dad but I am not really sure?) and close friends) that read this and give me your opinions. Please feel free to comment if I have never met you and may not due to the fact you live 2,000+ miles away. It will make me happy to think other people than my mom, maybe dad, nat, and jacquie (because she has commented read this!) I have not met jacquie, but I already like her.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lap Quilt Swap: Summer

Block for lukenlarry

I have been involved in a quilt block swap over on This is the second round of which I have posted pictures before. The basic premise of this swap is eleven people send fabric to each other, each person then makes a block for that person out of the received fabric and sends it back to the original owner. Each person also makes a block out of their own fabric. We have two months to complete all of the blocks and return them by July 1st. This is similar to other swaps that are out there on the internet I have seen including mamaurchin's virtual quilting bee and the common threads group. I enjoy seeing what everyone has done with all the different fabric.

For critterpants and lukenlarry's block I used the week four starblock tutorial over at crazymomquilts.

Block for critterpants

I made the block below for Grieney using the friendship star variation block at quilterscache.

I am excited about how all of these blocks will come together in the new quilts.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Quilt-A-Long Week 4

I finished the new block for the quilt-a-long over at crazymomquilts today! Whew, I finished it the day it was posted, which I can not believe. I am trying so hard not to get behind on this while I still have so many other works in progress. I love the way this turned out. I am working on setting blocks and should have pictures of those tomorrow.

Fresh Squeezed Disappearing Nine Patch

I started on a new quilt this weekend using Moda's Fresh Squeezed line. I bought two charmpacks and made 12 inch disappearing nine patches. Here are 24 squares that I made:
I love this fabric! Twenty-four squares made a 2-feet by 4-feet rectangle. I want the middle to be 4" square, so I will have to go buy 2 more charm packs later this week.

We also went to the Rockies game against the Minnesota Twins on Sunday. The Rockies won and it was a beautiful day!

I wish my grass was that green! Coors field is such a beautiful stadium with the mountains in the background!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


There is a quilt-a-long going over at crazymomquilts:
I decided to join! So here are my three squares. She is posting a different pattern each week. So this is three weeks accumulation because I couldn't decide what fabric I should use! Anyway, here they all are. Enjoy! (Each are 12.5 inches square)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Nickel Dog Quilt Finished!

I finally finished (I think) the Doggie quilt! It is the first time I have actually quilted an entire quilt, the first time I have used a pattern, and the first time I have actually added binding.
Since this is a quilt of dogs, I felt obligated to include a shot of Gigi checking out the quilt.

Yes, she has a t-shirt on. It is currently 42 degrees here at 6:00 when I took the picture. It was 38 when I woke up and raining/snowing-when is summer going to be here? I quilted around each of those 36 dogs in the ditch and around all the borders. I used Moda's "Strawberry Lemonade" and "Brights". I think I want to keep it. For Nat-Yes, that is gigirina.

I have a couple of dogs that didn't make the cut and I can't decide if I should make them into an accompanying bag or pillows-what do you think people who read my blog?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Yo-Yo's! Progress

I am plodding away at my yo-yo quilt. Here is my progress since the last post. That is 8- 4x4 squares, so only 24 more 4x4 squares to go before I have 200! Maybe, I can finish this summer.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to my mom who is the best mom in all the world-"Mudda Green" you mother us well.

Happy Mother's Day to Sheila who is a great mom and mother-in-law!

Happy Mother's day to the new mom in our family. Amanda just had baby Savannah on Thursday. I am now an aunt and my mom is a grandmother!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Block of the Month

While I am quilting away on my Nickel Dog Quilt, I thought I would share some of the other things I am working on. My local quilt shop has several Block of the Month clubs going on. One of the BOM clubs in a Feedsack Quilt sponsored by Thangles. With this club, you pay $6 the first month and you get these triangle papers by thangles and the first block which is below:
You then have until the end of the following month to come in with your finished block, show it to them, and purchase the next month for 1$. Yes, one dollar it is! Here is my block for February.

Here is my March block. I was one day late with turning this one in-I left work much later than I thought I would be able to and arrived at the store 5 minutes after they closed. So, I went in on the first of April (my birthday!); since I didn't get it in by the 31st, my new block was $6. I have learned not to procrastinate!

Finally, here is my block for April:

The fabrics are so neat and the blocks are 8.5 inches.

They also have a 1920's fabric BOM and they have two blocks per month. One of the blocks in pieced and the other is applique. I have a couple of the applique blocks to complete, but first I need to learn how to do that! Here are the April and May pieced blocks below. They finish at 6 1/2 inches square. These are 3$ per block-so a bit more expensive but they include the pattern so you learn how to make new blocks.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

This past weekend I worked a little on my nickel dog quilt. I added three borders!

And I started quilting! It is going to take a while I am afraid to finish this part of the process. I do think it will be pretty in the end!

I am debating whether to outline each individual dog or not....