
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fresh Squeezed Disappearing Nine Patch WIP

This past weekend I worked a little on my Fresh Squeezed Disappearing Nine Patch. I managed to get the top pieced together. It is approximately 48x48" right now. I am debating adding a 6 inch border. I need to go see if I can find fabric that will blend in with all these different fabrics! I may try orange or maybe a green. I haven't fully decided yet. It will probably have to wait until this weekend.
Work has been super busy this week since it is the last week of school. Just a few more days and it will be summer vacation! Yeah! We spent all weekend working on our front yard. Brandon is building a stone wall along the front sidewalk with those pavers that you can buy at Home Depot. We are planting xeriscape plants along side it to cut down on some of the grass we have to water and cut. I did manage to sneak a few flowers in but they are drought tolerant and super hardy.

This is one of the plants we bought ready to be planted! It is Autumn Stonecrop. It looks really neat up close.


  1. So bright and summery! Turned out really nice!

  2. Very cheerful. I love those fabrics.

  3. I love the bright colors in your Freash Squeezed. And your new porch sounds nice.


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