
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Postage Stamp Quilt

I worked on my postage stamp quilt this weekend. I realized I have not posted any pictures of it yet, so you are in for a plethora of pictures. Be forewarned! I collected numerous squares from very kind people on including a swap completely dedicated to swapping 1.5" squares. Imagine that! I am trying this fusible gridded interfacing type material, adhering the squares with an iron to that, and then sewing it together. If anyone is interested, I can post a tutorial. With that said, my corners line up nicely, but my blocks did not necessarily come out to be the exact same size. I think I need to work on my 1/4 inch seam allowance a little and sew a little slower! (The obviously smaller yellow square is due to my not snipping the seams before I sewed the other way-it may/will be repurposed into another project) Please excuse the annoying flash light at the bottom of the picture.Don't they look neat all lined up though? These are the unfinished/unsewn blocks that are just fused together.
I am still missing huge quanities of orange and purple. I would like 5 blocks of each color which means 500 squares of orange, red, yellow, purple, and green! I am pretty close on my green squares (within 50 or so squares) and I think I need about 100 red squares to finish up my red.

I need around 350 squares of both orange and purple and 200 blue! I find this amazing. I traded 60 squares with 10 different people on craftster during the original swap-which equals 600 squares and then I did a personal swap with athenamat for around 350? squares. That is pretty crazy, right? I sent 350 little squares of fabric through the mail to New York and she mailed that many back to Colorado. That takes pen pals to a whole new level. It is neat that this quilt will eventually have fabric from many locations across the United States.


  1. Wow amazing - I have a few purple & orange I can send to you, mind you not many but every little bit might help :) Drop me an e-mail:
    I can't wait to see this one finished the postage stamp has always been one of my fav's.

  2. Oh just found a bunch of snippets that are big enough to cut 1 1/2 in squares from - all colours of the rainbow :) It's really amazing what my craft closet can heave up LOL ;)

  3. If I have an left over purple and orange , I can send it your way. I usually don't save anything. So I can send them to you instead of throwing them out. quilt is looking great. You are so brave to do a postage stamp quilt.

  4. You have lost it, to much school work. A week at the beach will help.


  5. Oh my, I admire you for tackling something like this. It's going to be amazing!

  6. amy dragonryder4, I will send you an email later today!

    sewamy, if you have any leftovers I would love to have them! I need to be better about throwing things out. I have little tiny scraps that I keep thinking could be used for something-confetti in a package?

    Mom, I promise my sanity is still here. I did not sew all of those finished squares this weekend. I have been slowly working on it and just had not shared! I am definitely looking forward to the beach!

    Thanks Jacquie! I hope it turns out well. My goal is to finish it this summer. (hopefully!:))

  7. What an impressive project! It's looking wonderful, I would love to help out. I don't have much, but I could send a little. Send me your info if you would like for me to send it to you.

  8. Oh, I love all the bright colours. Your postage stamp quilt is lovely!


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