
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Lap Quilt Swap: Summer

Block for lukenlarry

I have been involved in a quilt block swap over on This is the second round of which I have posted pictures before. The basic premise of this swap is eleven people send fabric to each other, each person then makes a block for that person out of the received fabric and sends it back to the original owner. Each person also makes a block out of their own fabric. We have two months to complete all of the blocks and return them by July 1st. This is similar to other swaps that are out there on the internet I have seen including mamaurchin's virtual quilting bee and the common threads group. I enjoy seeing what everyone has done with all the different fabric.

For critterpants and lukenlarry's block I used the week four starblock tutorial over at crazymomquilts.

Block for critterpants

I made the block below for Grieney using the friendship star variation block at quilterscache.

I am excited about how all of these blocks will come together in the new quilts.


  1. I can't keep up with get so much done! You have some lucky recipients in your swap. I'm looking forward to our Common Threads swap...though I'm a bit scared to cut into that first set of fabric. Was it like that for you?

  2. Jacquie, I must admit the block for Grieney was completed at the beginning of May. I feel like I am super slow compared to most of the blogs I read! I was terrified cutting into my first piece of fabric for the swap. I double checked and triple checked to make sure I had enough fabric!

  3. Oh they are all so very pretty ! You did a great job sewing them up !


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