
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Quilt-A-Long Setting Blocks

I have been working on the setting blocks for crazymomquilts quiltalong. I have finished six blocks with some errors along the way. I have finished six blocks that are above. I am using alternating dark brown centers with a green and orange floral design and a blue and yellow floral design which you can kind of see in the picture. If anyone wants, I will provide close up pictures. The block below shows how I messed up two of the blocks. Once this one is fixed I will have 7 of 12 finished! waahooo! (My best attempt at typing my dad's war hoop-which he gives when Auburn is winning or just when the mood strikes) Dad, please correct me with the correct spelling of the infamous war whoop because I know I am wrong in that spelling but I am not sure how to spell it purely based on sound.

This is an example of how I messed up! The top right corner has been removed due to errors and the bottom right corner should show you what the error(s) might be. hmmm.... So anyway, I am working on some wonky log cabin dogs based on the nickel dog quilt I posted previously. Those might appear in some fashion tomorrow-maybe not finished but partially finished. I can't decide if I should make them into separate throw pillows or two pillow shams. Contemplate it, all 12 people (I might be exaggerating, but I am including family (yes, Dad but I am not really sure?) and close friends) that read this and give me your opinions. Please feel free to comment if I have never met you and may not due to the fact you live 2,000+ miles away. It will make me happy to think other people than my mom, maybe dad, nat, and jacquie (because she has commented read this!) I have not met jacquie, but I already like her.


  1. These blocks are looking great! I was glad to hear that you had some fear cutting into your swap block fabric. I made a couple of sample blocks out of muslin last night. Still haven't got up the courage to slice into her fabric! As to your question...I think I might go for the throw pillows. How in the world will you make wonky log cabin dogs? Can't wait to see!

  2. your setting blocks look great. I haven't started mine yet. I haven't even bought the fabric for them yet. :o)

  3. Thanks sewamy! I am horrible about starting numerous projects in the midst of others so while I had the drive, I thought I should finish as many as I could.

    I just posted my wonky dogs-so now you can see! I did the same thing when I started my lap quilt swap. I made mock ones out of my fabric (I wasn't smart enough to think of muslin) just to make sure I knew how to make that block.

  4. I love those blocks! Do you have the instructions or a tute? I would really love to try this one!


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