
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap Winter Edition

glitttergirl94- This block is really white, I don't know why it looks beige...

I joined another Lap Quilt Swap at Craftster this past November and have finally finished some of my blocks! I spent most of December trying to finish Christmas presents but now I finally have some time to work on these. I was beginning to get worried that I wouldn't have enough time, but if I focus, I can finish this in time. For these two blocks I used this tutorial over at crazymomquilts.

I have a couple more that are almost done that I can hopefully share tomorrow! I need to make twenty-two total so I have now finished two of twenty-two. Only twenty more to go!

On the knitting front, I noticed last night that I had dropped a stich somewhere so I am slowly ripping out rows. There is nothing more frustrating than going backwards on a project, but I don't want a small hole in the middle of my scarf. Ripping out stiches is hard!


  1. interesting read, ill try and come back more often

  2. Totally, totally love these blocks. WOW! The florals in the second, in particular, are eye catching. Super nice!

    As for the knitting, all I can say is...AUGH! You have all my sympathy and understanding. :)

  3. Love the blocks! Everything is up now and... you've been tagged!

  4. You are so industrious! I hope your little "hole" is not too far back :)

  5. Great blocks! I don't know how you do it! happy knitting :)

  6. Great blocks - love the second one especially. As for the knitting, that drives me insane. Good luck with it.

  7. That's a really neat block -- and it looks so different in all its incarnations.


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