
Friday, January 9, 2009

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap Winter: Blocks for LibbyK and KRB

I completed two more blocks for my Craftster Lap Quilt Swap Winter Edition Swap. That is a really long title! The one above is for LibbyK. I like how her final quilt is going to be black, white, and a little bit of color thrown in. Everyone received different shades of black and white and a different color print. I am looking forward to seeing her finished quilt.

This one is for KRB. She chose a more traditional palette, and I like how the prints play off each other. I am going to try to finish a few more this weekend. So far I have 4/22 completed, so only 18 more to finish!

Happy Friday everyone!


  1. They are both beautiful, of course, but I am partial to the first. WOW! I would also like to see the finished quilt...a black and white with color? Totally abstract and totally love it. Your block is awesome for how the color radiates from the center. Rockin' no doubt!

    A good Friday and weekend to you!

  2. I too like how Libby's block has turned out! I don't think I've started that one yet. I really like the pattern you've chosen.

  3. Isn't it fun to see how different the same block can be just by changing colors and value.

  4. yes, it is amazing what color and placement do to the same design. i guess that's what is so much fun about quilting - endless design!


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