
Wednesday, January 7, 2009


One of the coolest things I received for Christmas was a "how-to-knit" package from my cousin-in-law Shana. She game me a binder with all kinds of patterns, a knit gauge, #7 needles, and some beautiful yarn. The best part is that she sat down with me for two hours and taught me how to knit. I practiced, practiced, and practiced. In fact, I knitted the entire 7 hour journey home! I have knitting, purling, and casting on figured out; at least, I think so... I am making a scarf. :)


  1. Oh, wow! What an awesome gift, especially the gift of time! The yarn is such a pretty color. I know the finished scarf will be warm and happy. Please post when you're done!

  2. What a great gift. And the color is gorgeous! Can't wait to see it finished.

  3. YAY!!!!! I hope you are having fun with it!
    That is a really nice gift.

  4. so funny, i learned how to knit, purl, cast and bind on our 10 hour holiday road trip too!!! found you as a cohort on project improv. beautiful work.

  5. Love that color!

    Must be the year for it--I've been seriously considering learning to knit, though I don't know anyone who does and can help me out. I used to crochet, but haven't in years. There are so many new, beautiful yarns out there now, and knitting seems to have more patterns than crocheting--just seems the thing to do is learn to knit!

  6. this is so cool. Knitting. I think one day I want to learn how to knit, it just looks like there are so many cool things to make.

  7. Wow, your stitches look so wonderful ~ like a real pro! I've often thought how nice it would be to knit, but, sadly, I don't! Love the yarn you chose!

  8. That color is beautiful and I am just amazed at all the skills you have! This is going to sound weird but it is true - I learned to knit in a P.E. class at Auburn! ha! It's true! We learned to knit and play bridge. I knitted everyone I knew a pair of houseshoes and I still have a headband that I use that I knitted during that time. But I would have to begin anew today. I think I've forgotten how to knit.

  9. What a wonderful gift idea! The yarn looks really soft...and that color is lovely. Looks like you've caught on quickly and will have a scarf before too long:)

  10. Great! Nice to have something to do in the car. Also great while waiting at the Dr.'s office, baseball practice, football practice and any other time I spend cooling my heals...

  11. Love your knitting! having a teacher makes it fun :)

  12. Yay you! I can't wait to see it finished! :D


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