
Monday, February 6, 2012

Swoon-Blocks Finished!

This past week, I have been chugging a way on my Swoon blocks, and I am so happy to say that I have finished all of the blocks!  I am so in love with how it is turning out.  I love this fabric line so much.

This is one of my favorite blocks.  I just love the red and the focus it gives the block.

This one doesn't have the contrast the others do, but I still like it.:)

My husband was out of town at the beginning of the week, so once Z went to sleep I sewed a couple of hours each night.  Friday we had a snow day, so I snuck in an hour before everyone else was up, 2 1/2 hour nap time (Friday, Saturday and Sunday), and I stayed up way too late Friday and Saturday finishing these.  I am so glad I did because it feels so good to have these blocks completed!  I am going to work on the sashing this week, and I hope to have it basted in order to quilt it at the first Front Range Modern Quilt Guild Retreat in two weeks!  I can't wait!


  1. Audrey!! These blocks are so sweet! I can't wait to see the quilt all finished up.

  2. This is adorable. And your blocks are so crisp! I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

  3. Love, love, love it! I bought a Swoon kit awhile back, but at the rate I'm going, I won't even start it in this decade!

    And I have your house block. I don't think I'm going to make it on Saturday. Do you want me to mail it to you?

  4. Audrey, your quilt is beautiful. I love this pattern, and I love these fabrics. The two together are a wonderful combination.

  5. you did an amazing job, Audrey. i love that block design.

  6. Those are darling! I admire your determination (and sleep sacrifice) to get them done. :)

  7. I love your Swoon blocks!!! Great job!


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