
Friday, February 3, 2012

January Stichery Completed

 I recently finished the cross stitch for January from the Frosted Pumkin just in time for the new February installment.  I have never cross stitched on linen before so it was a lesson in how to count on linen for me.  I  haven't really done any cross stitch since college, and it was a brief sampler then.  The last major thing I cross stitched was a horse and rider silhouette against the sun in front of the sun on a sweatshirt in high school.  It was really hard to stitch because it was going through sweatshirt material, and it was tedious.  I gave up on it until college because I was so burned out.  My sampler wasn't speaking to me, so I gave up half way through it too.  I still have it, and it will be eventually finished.  I was happy to find modern cross stich patterns to try.  I am not happy with this one, but I am looking forward to seeing how much I improve over the next 11 months!

I have also been working on my Swoon quilt, and I have 4/9 blocks completed here.  I finished the 5 and 6 blocks over the last couple of days, but they are not in this mosaic.  I am hopeful that I can finish them all this weekend!


  1. Your swoon blocks look so great!!

  2. Good for you! You're a machine! :)
    I can't wait to see how your Swoon quilt is coming along. One of these days I'll start cutting mine...:)

  3. wow, those blocks are making me swoon! they look SO GOOD in pips!!

  4. Adorable cross stitch! Your swoon blocks are looking great!

  5. I just cross stitch on linen for the first time a few months ago. It was really hard for me at first, but I liked the look of it. It gets easier! I want to see the sampler you are working on, or did work on.


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