
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Kid's Week Challenge: Day 2-3

I have been diligently trying to fit in time to sew in the early morning, and I managed to get this pattern traced, cut out, and started to sew. I then ran into a roadblock. I need pictures to help me figure patterns out, and this one is seriously lacking in the picture department. I am trying to make the sleeveless dress in the top right corner of the front of the pattern.

I started sewing the exterior to the lining as I thought the pattern read, but I am ending up with some serious bulk on the back where the buttons should go. So, I think I am going to put this one aside for a few days and call in for help. I may post some pictures here to see if any of you know how to do this!

Some of my cousins were in town last night, and I showed them the dress. My cousin (who is actually my second cousin once removed?) reminded me that her sister is a Bernina Master Teacher and knows how to sew everything. I am going to shoot her an email with tons of pictures to see if she can help me figure this out. Maybe we can try skype? She lives 2,000 miles away, so I can't just go over to her house-unfortunately. I hate having to stop in the middle of a project, but I don't want to mess it up.

I will be moving on to something else, and hopefully that will go smoother. I do get to pull out my pleater foot which I am very excited about. :)


  1. It's precious Audrey! Good luck figuring it out - the one's without illustrations are the hardest :(

  2. Good luck! It is such a cute little dress and the fabric is precious I really hope you figure it out.


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