
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kid's Clothes Week: Sundresses and Pants

For the last half of Kid's Clothes Week, I worked on two sundresses and a pair of pants. The sundress crosses in the back and is made of one piece of fabric. I love the way the back looks with the crossing of the straps.

I used Maggie's Classics Sundress 345 for the dress with purple seersucker gingham. I used my ruffler foot for the ruffle along the bottom and the back. It is a size 1.

For the pants, I used the Britches and Bloomers pattern by Jackie Clark. I made the size 6-12 months. These should have taken my about an hour, but they took several hours. My ruffler foot kept missing the back layer of fabric, and then I sewed it on the wrong way on the leg three times.

I do like the little back pockets, though. Next time, I know it will go together quicker. Plus, I have my patterns traced out already.

I made one more sundress out of some paisley fabric that I had in my stash. I decided to not do a ruffle on this one because the fabric is so busy already. I love this little pattern. It goes together so quickly. I think I could cut one out and sew it up in about an hour, so for a quick little dress, it is perfect.

I enjoyed Kid's Clothes Week. It really challenged me to find time to sew in the morning during the week. I am going to try and keep that momentum going by working on my postage stamp quilt for the spring Blogger's Quilt Festival. It starts next week, so get your quilt's ready!


  1. Audrey, I love the new dresses and the little pants are adorable. What a great job!

  2. Beautiful pieces. I haven't read the details on Kids Clothes Week but assume you get to keep what you made. Your little girl is going to be very well dressed!

  3. love the sundresses - they are darling! I have that same paisley print in my stash - now i just need to find a little girl to make the sundress


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