
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Patchwork Scottie Dog

I made the Patchwork Scottie Dog this past week and finished it up while watching the Olympics Friday night. I love patchwork, and it goes together pretty quickly. I need to work on my stuffing skill, as it is a little lumpy but that is okay. It is fun to be able to use all those little pieces that you don't want to throw away. I do love scrap projects because I save all of my little pieces, which can quickly get out of hand.

Zerah seems to like it, too.;) It is a little big for her now though, isn't it? It is going into her easter basket this year. I love that I can take a picture of her with it now, and then give it to her later with her having no recollection of it. Later on, I will have to hide projects for her but not quite yet!

Look at what I did to my hand! It has been hurting for a month now, and I went to the doctor a week and a half ago where I got this lovely splint which only comes off when I am taking a bath or washing dishes. Nice, isn't it? It is helping, but it still really hurts and throbs at times. I have De Quervain's Tendinitis; it can be associated with pregnancy and as result, according to my doctor, seen in breastfeeding moms because your hormones are still different. It is also caused be repetitive movement-which I haven't been doing. I also read that it is common in mom's with new infants because of the different way you twist your wrist while holding an infant. I think this is what happened because it hurts when I am twisting Zerah to put her in her bed at night sometimes.

I originally thought I had injured myself by reading. Isn't that a strange way to hurt yourself? A couple of weeks ago, I was reading Pat Conroy's new novel, South of Broad, while nursing. I had it propped open in my left hand with my thumb holding the pages open. It is quite the lengthy novel at around 1,000 pages so I thought the weight might have placed a strain on my wrist. I guess it could have not helped! The book was really good though. So anyway, I now get to wear this for two weeks to see if it helps and then the next step is cortisone shots. I really hate shots!


  1. Love the scottie:) Yeah you will, my son is five and for Christmas this year he kept telling me can you just show me my presents, I'll beget by Christmas lol....I hate shots too.

  2. Zerah is beautiful and she will love her scottie!

  3. I hope you get feeling better soon! I love your scottie. Enjoy taking advantage of Zerah's short memory while you can. I miss the days when I could take my daughter shopping with me at Christmas time and still have everything be a surprise! lol

  4. That little Scottie is adorable! Did you know a Scottie won the Westminster Kennel Club Best of Show this past week?

    And Zerah is lovely--so bright-eyed! She already likes that little dog--how wonderful that you don't have to wrest it away from her to hide it! lol

  5. I love the idea.The dog looks amazing and the child absolutely happy with it.Wish you a speedy recovery.


  6. Zerah looks so cute with her sweet Easter gift to be. Hope your wrist feels better soon.

  7. Cute little scottie; funny it is going to be a "surprise" :). I have never heard of that tendonitis - like a new mom needs more to worry about! I hope you get better!


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