
Friday, February 26, 2010

Frannie Dresses for Friends

I do love alliteration! I recently made three "Frannie" dresses for some special people. We have really been lucky with generosity from a friend of mine from work and our friends, Rebecca and Phillip, in New Orleans with baby items. We have received two huge boxes of clothes, an extra carseat, two carseat things that fit in the car the carseat goes into (I can't think of what that is called!), a bouncer, playmat, and the list keeps going on. This is all in addition to numerous boxes of clothes and baby items we received from my brother and sister-in-law in the fall! Aren't we lucky to have such wonderful friends and family?

So, I made some dresses for them. My work friend has two little girls that are age 1 and 4 so I made two dresses for her girls; she has already received her dresses. I made another size four for our New Orlean's friends; they haven't received theirs (yet!) so this may be a surprise if they read my blog. I just couldn't wait to share them anymore.

I used the Frannie pattern from Children's Corner, and I think it runs small. My work friend told me that her girls are tall, so they don't work as dresses, but are really cute as tops. I was a little disappointed by this, but now I know that it does run small so I can choose a more appropriate size in the future. The other one is already made, so if it doesn't fit as a dress, maybe it will as a top! Anyway, I really like how they turned out, so I hope they like them, too.:)


  1. The dresses are so cute, and the fabric colors are wonderful! I'll have to check out that pattern.

    And if you really wanted to have alliterative fun, you could have titled it "Frannie Frocks for Friends"! ;-)

  2. It's the thought that counts! Really cute. I love the ribbon.

  3. these are so cute! with brown leggings they will be adorable. jessie has a lot of sun dresses that she now wears with a tshirt underneat and capri pants - which is adorable

  4. Everything I look at is so cute and I haven't commented on every little thing (as I'm trying to catch up!) but these are just adorable. I love the ties on the side and the color you used for the lining against that green.


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