
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Project Improv

I am making more progress trying to finish up loose ends this week! A while ago, Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie Studio developed a charity quilt project titled Project Improv. The idea is to have people send in 12.5" blocks of three different color schemes that will be made into quilts to be given away or maybe auctioned off for charity.
I loved the idea of this so I knew I needed to join! I have been slowly working on these four wonky log cabin blocks to send into her for the project.
The deadline is fast approaching for blocks to be sent in so I finally finished these up! It feels great to have another "to do" item marked off the list.
If you haven't checked out her blog before, head over there now and check it out! She is always creating such beautiful things and this project has got to be a huge thing to keep track of for her.

My favorite block is the one with the butterfly! Now I just need to hit the post office this afternoon, and they will be on their way.


  1. Great blocks. Love the bright colors.

  2. Owwwwwwww. I LOVE these! The colors are spring happy, the wonky lines artsy fun. Totally delicious! And all for a good cause...delightfully rewarding. Very, very cool blocks, audreypawdrey! This post just made my day! :)

  3. those are AWESOME blocks! I love the colors and the really artsy feel to them!

  4. Your blocks are so fun! i need to get mine made - eekk! tomorrow :)

  5. Your blocks turned out great. Isn't project improv so much fun?

  6. Great blocks - you are further along than I am - I haven't quite started yet.....wonky is just so hard for me.....I love the one with the butterfly too.

  7. I love the one with the big butterfly on it.

  8. your blocks look so great in the quilts. thanks so much for making such fab blocks...the butterfly one is my fav too...


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