
Friday, March 27, 2009

Is it Spring?

Is is Spring? We have had around ten inches of snow since yesterday morning. These pictures were taken around 4 yesterday when the snow total was 6". I am just not ready to go out in the cold again this morning for new pictures!

I am not complaining about the snow in the least because we have had snow days! Plus, we need the moisture.

I spent the day making this block for the sewconnected group. She requested that we use the center fabric and the peach fabric. All of the fabric is from vintage pillowcases.

This past month was my month to send out fabric for the sewconnected2 group. These are the blocks that I have received back so far. I am so excited about how this quilt is going to look! All of the blocks are beautiful.:)


  1. omg, your quilt is turning out so cute.

  2. Ooh, your blocks from the quilting bee are so wonderful! That's going to be a great quilt. I like the block you made, too - great fabrics :)

  3. Ha ha I also posted snow pics :) We sure do need the moisture! It looks like several people are sending you log cabin blocks. Is that a coincedence?

  4. I love your blocks - that is going to be a FABULOUS quilt! I hope we are done with snow....

  5. That's a VERY cute quilt! I love all the red. And wow at the snow! Guess you've heard from your mother and on the news, etc. that we're having storms and tornado weather here.

  6. Oh, wow! The blocks you have received for your sewconencted 2 quilt are awesome! I love all the farbics, but especially that red. So nice that for the wonderful, detailed blocks you send out so you receive. FUN!

  7. Your blocks are looking so wonderful. I can't believe all the snow you are getting! Just keep remembering that summer is just around the bend!

  8. Love your quilt! I'm getting excited for my month -- though I still need a plan :P

  9. IM jealous. I wish I hadnt missed this group. Any chances of another?


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