
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Sewconnected 2

Since we received another snow day on Friday, I spent most of the morning making 6.5" blocks for Marilyn who has April. I am working early this month on my blocks! She requested 6.5 or 12.5" blocks. The one above is a single irish chain.
The next block is a pinwheel and I love the blues against the pink.

Finally, I made a bearclaw. It was a lot of fun making the smaller blocks. I felt like they came together quickly and I could use more patterns. I also felt like I had more freedom in the choice of pattern to use because it was not going to be a large 12.5" block. I don't know if that makes sense, but it was liberating.

I will leave you with a couple of pictures of the snow as of Friday morning when the sun came out and the snow stopped falling. We received 11" in our backyard!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Is it Spring?

Is is Spring? We have had around ten inches of snow since yesterday morning. These pictures were taken around 4 yesterday when the snow total was 6". I am just not ready to go out in the cold again this morning for new pictures!

I am not complaining about the snow in the least because we have had snow days! Plus, we need the moisture.

I spent the day making this block for the sewconnected group. She requested that we use the center fabric and the peach fabric. All of the fabric is from vintage pillowcases.

This past month was my month to send out fabric for the sewconnected2 group. These are the blocks that I have received back so far. I am so excited about how this quilt is going to look! All of the blocks are beautiful.:)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Project Improv

I am making more progress trying to finish up loose ends this week! A while ago, Jacquie at Tallgrass Prairie Studio developed a charity quilt project titled Project Improv. The idea is to have people send in 12.5" blocks of three different color schemes that will be made into quilts to be given away or maybe auctioned off for charity.
I loved the idea of this so I knew I needed to join! I have been slowly working on these four wonky log cabin blocks to send into her for the project.
The deadline is fast approaching for blocks to be sent in so I finally finished these up! It feels great to have another "to do" item marked off the list.
If you haven't checked out her blog before, head over there now and check it out! She is always creating such beautiful things and this project has got to be a huge thing to keep track of for her.

My favorite block is the one with the butterfly! Now I just need to hit the post office this afternoon, and they will be on their way.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Sewconnected: February Blocks

I got behind on my blocks for the sewconnected group this past month :(, but I am slowly catching up! The block above is for Stefanie and she wanted straight lines. I like the modern feel to all the solid fabrics and the color combination she used.
The next two blocks are for Katy. She sent Liberty fabrics which I was scared to cut up! I went with traditional patterns for these prints. Once again, I love the fabrics she sent. Her quilt will be beautiful!
I have started on the one block I need to make for March so it will be finished this week. It feels great to be catching up on projects!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Zig Zag Baby Quilt Finished

I finished one of my zig zag baby quilts this past weekend and have enough strips to finish one or two more! I am thinking of doing orange and green or one with orange and pink for the next one.

I have a couple of other things in the works right now, but things have been pretty busy around here lately. Hopefully I will have more to share this week! Happy Wednesday everyone!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Zig Zag Baby Quilts

I have been working on a few baby quilts this past week sewing a little each night. I don't have any finished pictures yet-I still need to buy some more white. I am hoping to have the tops finished this weekend which should be the easiest part! I have 3-4 strips of each color finished in the zig zag. I am thinking of using two green and one orange and pink per top.

It has been absolutely beautiful here this past week with temperatures in the 70's each day. It feels like spring, but I know that it can and will snow all the way through April so I am not packing away my coats yet! I am ready for spring!