
Monday, December 8, 2008

SewConnected Block for SewHelpMe

I finished my sewconnected block for sewhelpme last week and it has been received so I wanted to share it here. I love the fabrics she chose! I started off with some flying geese units and slowly just started piecing it together. I did not use a pattern but I think a pattern may exist out there for this block. Either way, I am happy with the way this one came out.

On the other crafting front, I have been super busy with work so I don't have much to share right now. Plus, there is some Christmas gift crafting currently underway so I must be secretive... Happy Monday everyone!


  1. Hi! The block IS beautiful! I love the color combinations and how you coordinated them into your own pattern, without reference. A very pretty block. :)

  2. Love the color combo - very pretty!

  3. Your block is, as always, beautiful! Please don't work too hard, take some pampering time for yourself!

  4. This is really cute. I love the fabric and the way you put them together in the block. Nice!
    THanks for entering my giveaway.


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