
Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Margaret Bag

I finished a bag that I started about a week ago. It took me awhile. I have never done pleats and so many pockets before. I do love it and may make a few for Christmas. It is really big and roomy inside. I used this pattern and tutorial over at OhFransson!

I am so used to making flat objects that it took me awhile to do some pretty simple things like sew the liner into the bag. I tried and the straps were sticking out the sides in a weird way so I had to rip it apart and start over. I did eventually figure it out. It has pleats so it will expand and it will fit across my chest, which I really like. I also added four pockets to the interior with velcro to keep everything safe. I am pretty happy with the way it turned out and am going to try it out tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh, wow! I love it! Roomy, a nice long strap, pleats, a loop and button and pockets. I hadn't thought about pockets like these. Uhm, yum. More wonderful ideas! Did I mention I love the fabrics? Yes, in fact, I need a black bag. Something else for my list! The next one you make will be a breeze. Wonderful gifts, for sure. And thank you for the link!

  2. It's a great bag -- I love your fabric choices!

  3. Wonderful bag. (I also love the tree skirt). You have been busy!

  4. I am convinced you can do anything you put your mind to! It's a great bag, fabrics, style, everything and dittos on the link!

  5. Great bag! I saw that tut but haven't done anything with it yet. Thanks for the inspiration :)

  6. I like that! I haven't tried any purses or bags beyond the Christmas bags I make for our presents to go into, so I am totally befuddled by linings.

    Nice job!

  7. What a great bag. Love the colors. Looks so roomy too.

  8. Very crreative and crafty! Merry SITSmas!

  9. Love the black and white fabric! Nicely made.

  10. Love the bag, I have thought I should start making some bags also as I seem to go through them quickly and never satisfied with the one I have, I should get one of the books with all the patterns in them.


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