
Thursday, September 11, 2008


First, I found this cool tool that does this:

(I am having trouble making it turn into an image, so if it doesn't just click on it-then it will be bigger. :)
It shows all the words you most frequently use in your blog. I love the fact that in really big font quilt, think, border, squares, and fabric show up. I also like that in little, tiny font that my dog's name, Gigi, also shows up. Pretty cool, huh?

I have also been inspired with all the posts today about 9/11. I don't really know what to say except that I remember where I was that morning. I was leaving my apartment at 15 minutes before 8 to be at work at the Children's Theatre downtown in Birmingham, AL. My husband now/boyfriend then had to go to work at the same time. We left right after each other. He turned right and I turned left so we were both in the turn lanes and listening to NPR news where we heard a plane had crashed into World Trade Center in New York. We both rolled down our windows, and shouted to each other, "Did you hear that? What is going on?". Then we went on to work, because at this point they weren't sure what happened. I couldn't figure out what to do. I was worried about my college roommate because she worked in downtown New York. I remember trying to contact her via her cell phone and not hearing from her for 24 hours? This completely freaked me out, but she didn't travel through the Trade Center on her way from Williamsburg, Brooklyn to her job in NYC. My friend, Jenny, was fine-thank goodness. My husband, Scott, and I sat and watched news footage all night and we were in shock-I think now.

I think it is important that we remember what happened. I have read several blogs today that inspired me to reflect and I think we need to make a concerted effort to reflect everyday on what we have to be grateful for.

Other bloggers who noticed today in some fashion:
Dear Andy by MetroDad
Never forget...


  1. isn't it funny how the events of that day are so clear in our minds. i feel for all the folks who have been so affected by the events of that day. my heart goes out to them.

  2. I can clearly remember that morning as well. I was in the military at the time and my fellow Marines and I watched it live on the news. We ended up still going to our scheduled classes that day but everyone's mind wasn't on their studies.

  3. Audrey, I wish EVERYONE had blogged something about 9/11 but I know nobody blogs everyday, and sometimes there are no words. Thanks for noting that some did. I also saw these, if you are interested...


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave me a note! I appreciate you!