
Monday, September 8, 2008

Postage Stamp Quilt Possible Layouts

I am playing around with how I want to arrange my postage stamp quilt squares. I am calling the one above the diagonal rainbow. I think I would either use 1-2" sashing between the squares and a white border-maybe with another square border with the colors all mixed up together.

This would be set as a diamond on white, again with maybe a 2" border of white mimicing the diamond and then mix border of 2 deep 1.5 inch squares that are random.

Here is an idea of alternating lengths of color strips set on white with no sashing between each of the squares.
I was attempting a braid here, but couldn't quite get it to work. I did like that it was sort of random though.
My original plan was to have either long strips with a white border or have white sashing between each of the squares and a white border. It is going to take me forever to decide, I think and each option requires me to make a few more squares of differing colors. If you have any suggestions on what you think looks good, please, please let me know. I am stuck.


  1. Ack -- this is GORGEOUS!! My preferences (in order) are 1, 3 and 5. This is going to be soooo coool ...

  2. i really like the diagonal arrangement. it's the most energetic, with best flow, progression, etc. as for the sashing, sorry, i'm no help on that. i love it just the way it appears in your photo without any breakup/division of colors/squares. good luck. can't wait to see what you decide.

  3. A-maze-za-zing!!! I love your blocks. I like the rainbow arrangement.

  4. i'm really liking that diagonal arrangement too. it is dynamic. these blocks are simply fabulous!

  5. oh my! those blocks are stunning! i also vote for the diagonal setting.

  6. Those blocks are beautiful! I'm so much a control freak, I haven't even started sewing yet until I decide on a final layout (how pathetic is that!)

    I really love the diagonal one as well, but it's interesting, my first thought is always to do black background with colorful blocks. I would never have thought to do white! It will look fabulous. I also like the alternating lengths of colored strips. But the sashing idea (your first) is brilliant.

    I also tried to make a braid pattern with (9") squares and I don't think the design came out very clear.

    I can't wait to see what you finally choose! It will look smashing!

  7. Thanks everyone for your input! I think I am leaning towards the diagonal rainbow (the first one) myself. It is so helpful to me to have input and be able to look back and forth between the pictures.

    Now I need to decide if I want sashing between each of the blocks or smush them together.

  8. I like the first one the best. I can't wait to see what you choose.

  9. Oooh I likes! You have the patient of a saint, those are such teeny squares. My preference is for the diagonal, it's a beautiful flow into each subsequent color. Have you tried a diamond configuration?

  10. I like the alternating-length strips the best.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog! I love that little basket - I suddenly have a uses for all my little mis-matched piles of fq's (Wizard of Oz, for example.) I hope you make one!

  11. Also, I just want to throw out that you should consider a black border & sashing! That would really give it some pow. I love quilts with black. And if you need more yellow squares, or orange, I would be happy to contribute!

  12. This is awesome! A vote for the diagonal from me, but all of them look good. Those squares are great!

  13. I like the diagonal layout. I'm about to start collecting for a postage stamp quilt. I really like how you have done yours.


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