
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap Fall: Progress August 6th

I have good mail lately! I love getting fabric surprises. These are the blocks that have been made for me so far in the newest round of the Craftster Lap Quilt Swap Fall Edition. These blocks are from -top row from left to right: ritapizza, whoopdedoo_5, and sewhelpme -bottom row from left to right: Mommythemaid, athenamat, and kaishabackwards. All of the blocks are 12.5 inches square-just in case you were wondering.

Block for j_q_adams aka. quiltdad

Since school starts back up soon, I won't have as much time to sew. :( Therefore, I have been busy trying to get ahead on everyone's blocks so I will be ready to send by the Oct. 1st deadline.
I posted a few before here and here.

Block for 1boy1girl1kitty2

I am still using the Amish Star pattern from the tutorial over at crazymomquilts.

Block for 1boy1girl1kitty2
1boy1girl1kitty2 is in two groups at the swap so she gets two blocks! One is for her daughter and one for her grandmother. Which do you think is for her daughter?:)

Block for athenamat
Athenamat's block is going to be in a Christmas Lap Quilt. She has cute skater fabric that is going to in the quilt too.

Block for FlashleyAshley
I believe that FlashleyAshley will be using this block in a baby quilt. I love the polka dots and the apple fabric.

Block for homerof2

This is going to be another baby quilt. I love the fabric in the middle with the elephants and the giraffes. I am really enjoying seeing all these great fabrics and playing with the different color combinations. So far I have 11 blocks made and 13 to go. I think I can make 13 more blocks by Oct. 1st.

Athenamat also started a flickr group for all the blocks. Go check it out! Not everyone has contributed yet-therefore only 4 members out of the 36 in the actual swap.

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