
Friday, July 11, 2008

Baby Quilts!

We went on vacation over the July 4th weekend to Mobile and to Birmingham. While we were in Mobile we saw Tom Waites, stayed with my husband's parents, went to Dauphin Island to see friends from New Orleans and Birmingham, and had a great 4th of July with relatives. We went to Birmingham and saw my parents and went to a wedding of a friend of mine from high school. The wedding was beautiful and it was awesome to see old friends. We also got to see Nat in her new cool house in Southside. We also went by to see a new baby, Charlie, and dropped off baby presents. I do have some pictures to share, but today I want to share the two baby quilts I made over the last couple of weeks.

The quilt above is for little baby Charlie. I used this tutorial over at the PurlBee for the front. I like how it reminds me of Charlie Brown and how the colors turned out together too. I was originally inspired by this quilt over at Tallgrass Prairie Studio and have seen other cute quilts like this one that made me want to try it too. I decided to piece the backing together instead of using a solid piece and I am really glad that I did. I think I like the back as much as the front.

I started this quilt at the beginning of June and had the top pieced together. I just managed to finish backing it and quilting it before we left for the 4th. It is going or has gone to my cousins' new little girl Mary Laslie in Birmingham. I am not sure if she has received it yet because I left it with my mom to deliver it to her. We did not, unfortunately, have time to hand deliver it.

I quilted it following the diamond shape, which I really like. The final border was my first attempt at free motion quilting which was a lot of fun. While I was at my mom's we added my initials and the date on her fancy sewing machine. I took a picture, but I can't find it now... It looks really neat.


  1. Both are totally fabulous! You are so right...the zig zag is totally Charlie Brown. Love that. I want to make one like your second one. Love the look of the quilting too! Wonderful work!!!

  2. The quilts are great! I am so happy that you and Brandon got to stop by and see me and the house. I hope that next time we have more time so that I can show off my mad grillin' skills. I am glad that you made it home safely.

  3. Mary Laslie and her mom really liked the quilt. We enjoyed having you here.


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