
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bathroom Remodel Update

We have put the beadboard in and painted it glossy white. The walls are now also painted the khaki and there is a new fancy, curved shower curtain rod!
This is so cool. When you are inside, there is so much more room due to the way it curves out. These are also pretty nifty curtain rings. They have a hook on both sides so you don't have to latch your curtain and liner on the same loop. In the picture below there is not a liner yet, so you can see the empty post sticking out. Progress is being made!


  1. love the curvy shower curtain rod. so cool looking and I bet the room will be great too. Nice work!

  2. I must say---you all have done an excellent job! Too bad Barbara isn't there--she could complete this project and any other work in a nano second! You should have seen her at your cousins' house!


  3. your bathroom is looking so good. makes me want to redo mine.

  4. wow, your bathroom has come a long way! it looks great. I love the white beadboard with the khaki walls.

  5. Patricia, my mom is awesome at this type of stuff! I wanted her to come out so she could help me paint the house this summer because she would have it done in two days!

    Thanks everyone else! There is progress that I will post pictures of in the next few days. We have a sink, toilet, and lights now!


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