
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Bathroom Remodel Update

We have put the beadboard in and painted it glossy white. The walls are now also painted the khaki and there is a new fancy, curved shower curtain rod!
This is so cool. When you are inside, there is so much more room due to the way it curves out. These are also pretty nifty curtain rings. They have a hook on both sides so you don't have to latch your curtain and liner on the same loop. In the picture below there is not a liner yet, so you can see the empty post sticking out. Progress is being made!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Bathroom Remodel or what happened while I was away...

We bought our first house in the summer of 2005. We took tons of pictures as we looked through the house during the buying process. The picture above is what the main bathroom looked like at that point. I should mention we live in an older neighborhood and our house in a 1950's ranch. The bathroom doesn't look too bad, but the vanity really is too large for the space. The white glossy background on the wall was this cheap white tileboard. You know, the kind that looks like tile but is really just fake tile on a piece of masonite or similar material. We didn't take pictures of the corners because they were pretty horrible. They had not put a corner molding so you could see the edge of the board. I wish we had taken a picture of that and the plastic shower lining-which was sloppily sealed with silicone. The pretty white shower curtain you see is in front of sliding glass doors-which I don't like.

Anyway, while I was out of town Brandon, my husband, informed me that he was redoing the bathroom and had sent me a picture of what it currently looked like.

Wow! Doesn't that look pretty... The laminate wood that didn't match the rest of the wood floors in the house was gone. The nasty tile board that lined the wall is also been torn out and no more vanity or toilet.
No more plastic tub liner. Please also notice the hole in the tub. This has been like this since we moved in which means I have not taken a bath at home since 2005.
That pipe on the right represents where the vanity should go, if there was one. Please notice that the floor in the hallway is actually quite pretty before you think our house is all like the previous pictures.

When I returned home the bathroom was already in a much better state. Brandon laid down new ceramic tile on the floor and in the shower.

Last weekend, Brandon grouted the shower area and the floor. When he chose the grout it was a lot darker in the little illustration of what the grout should look like. When it was dry, it is much closer to white than we intended. Today I painted the ceiling white and put two coats of tan on the walls.
Obviously I need to go back and touch up along the ceiling, but it looks much better.
Progress so far:
1. New tile on shower stall and grouted
2. Cleaned and reinstalled shower head and faucet
3. The hole in the tub is now covered up
4. New drain plug for the tub (so the tub will hold water now which it wouldn't before)
5. Paint on walls

Still need to do:
1. Beadboard installed
2. New vanity, light fixture, and mirror (We are definitely going with a new light fixture! See pic. above if you wonder why.)
3. Paint carefully around ceiling
4. Reattach shelves
5. New toilet
6. Everything else I have forgotten to mention....

Stay tuned for future updates!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into fd's mosaic maker).

1. Audrey Hepburn, 2. Chicken bacon ranch, 3. page17, 4. Green Tea Sunset, 5. More Johnny Depp..., 6. C'mon!, add a note,, wich one's your favorite?!, 7. A TRIBUTE TO A DEAR FRIEND. (KILKENNY, IRELAND), 8. coffee and chocolate mousse cake, 9. Slip Slidin' Away, 10. The Avenue in mist and sun, 11. Reading book..., 12. Crafts April 2008 Nickel Dog Quilt 003

1. What is your first name? Audrey
2. What is your favorite food? Chicken and Bacon Sandwich with Barbecue Sauce
3. What high school did you go to? Jacksonville High School
4. What is your favorite color? green
5. Who is your celebrity? Johnny Depp or Ethan Hawke (really Ethan Hawke....)
6. Favorite drink? diet coke
7. Dream vacation? ireland
8. Favorite dessert? chocolate cake
9. What you want to be when you grow up? artist
10. What do you love most in life? family and friends
11. One Word to describe you : reader
Your flickr name: audreypawdrey

Monday, June 23, 2008

Quilt-A-Long: Catch Up! Week 5-9

I have been playing catchup on the blocks from crazymomquilts. The block above is from Week 5 which I was worried about because it has so many triangles. It is definitely not perfect, but it is done!
The next block is Week 6. There are a few errors, but I like the way the colors play on each other.
Next is Week 7! I love yellow and blue together.

Week 8 is next. I can't believe how behind I was in finishing and posting. This one I finished last week while I was in Birmingham.
Finally, we have the block posted today-Week 9! Phew, caught up on all the star blocks now. Just need to finish 5 of the setting blocks to be completely up to date.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap

While I was at my parent's house, I worked on some of my blocks for the Craftster swap I am in. The block above is for sew~amy and was completed in Birmingham. This block has traveled! I love the floral fabrics she picked out, especially the green. My mom helped me with it while I was showing her how to make blocks. I cut, sewed individual pieces, and she would press while I was working on the next piece. When you have a personal presser, the blocks come together very quickly! It took me about 2o minutes to actually sew it all together-which is quick for me.

The deadline for the blocks to be sent out is quickly approaching-June 30th-so I have been working hard to catch up since I have been home. The block above is for MissDisney. It is for her husband who is a Miami Dolphin's fan.

The next block is for kaishabackwards. I like the contrast of the burgundy and the white fabric.

Finally, a block for Ezri_B. I went with the wonky log cabin on this one. I love the apple fabric so I wanted to showcase it in the middle surrounded by all the great fabrics she sent. She is going to use the quilt as a picnic quilt when it is all completed. I want her finished quilt; it is going to be so pretty with all these fabulous fabrics.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back from the Beach!

I returned home from visiting my parents in Birmingham and down at the beach in Sandestin this past Wednesday night, but have been too busy to post all the great pictures I took. We spent a week down in Sandestin and returned to Birmingham last Sunday night. On Monday and Tuesday, mom and I sewed and went to fabric stores and had a fabulous time.
We went for a bike ride almost every day. This is looking over the golfcourse towards Baytown on the bay side.
Check out all those huge boats docked at the Baytown dock!
My mom and dad contemplating how pretty the bay is! The red bike is the one I always ride while I am down there. I have been lucky to get to go here with my parents once a year for the last 5 years.
Check out how beautiful the beach is! It was not as crowded as I thought it would be this time of year. I took this picture at noon during the week and almost managed to get a shot without another person in the picture at all! There was barely any sea weed and the water was such an emerald green.
I had such a good time! I ate so much seafood as I always do. I had mom's fried shrimp, grouper pontchartrain, stuffed shrimp with crabmeat, fried oyster B.L.T., snapper, scallops wrapped in bacon, shrimp creole, and I know I am forgetting another meal. This made those bike rides necessary, don't you think?
Several books were read, yo-yos sewn, and fabric bought... I will post more in-depth on the books and sewing in a little while.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Stanley Hotel

This is the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO. It is the inspiration for Stephen King's The Shining. They have ghost tours and I believe that the tv movie was filmed here.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Rocky Mountain Balloon Festival

These pictures were taken over Labor Day Weekend at the Rocky Mountain Balloon Festival in 2004.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Quilt-A-Long Week 6 , Star blocks, and a finished quilt top

I finished my block for the quilt a long today. This is week 6. Yes, I have skipped week 5 so far. I am a little intimidated by all those triangles.
I joined a friendship star swap over at Craftster. The premise is that we trade 6 stars with up to three people. I chose two people so I need to make 12 stars for them and 6 for me. I will receive 6 stars from them that will go into a quilt. The organizer is going to add a different block each month for however long there is interest. This way we can have a really neat quilt full of different fabrics from all over.

These will not be the blocks that I send because they are inferior in some way. They either came out 1/8th inch short (or more,shhh...) or the points were right along the edge so when they were sewn into the final quilt it would be terrible. Yes, there are 7 that stink. I do have 11/12 that are great so almost there...

I have also been cutting out little bits of fabric this week for my postage stamp quilt. I also joined another swap where we send up to 60 squares to ten other people. That seems like a huge amount (600 squares!) but I have tons already cut that are ready to trade too. I am trying not to have to many duplicates, so this is a easy way to get new fabrics.

I am leaving tomorrow to go visit my parents and go to the beach for a week! I can not wait. That is part of the reason I have been so busy trying to get all this done so I can finish up when I return home without to much stress or worry about sending late.

I am planning on reading and relaxing next week. These are a few of the books that should be enjoyed over the next several days.I am also bringing these charm packs along in case my mom want to learn how to make a quilt like this:

I made this top this week which I think would be perfect for a little baby girl. This is Moda's Spring Meadow fabric. I can not remember where I saw the idea for this design but it is super easy. I spent an hour watching t.v. drawing a line dividing the square into two triangles and then added another 1/4 inch line on either side. Put a 5 inch white square good sides together with the colored square and sewed on my 1/4 seam line. Split those squares in half and I then had 80 half triangle squares. Laid them out on the floor until they formed a diamond shape that I liked and sewed them together with 6 inch white border. Ta da! Finished.
I am going to try Blogger's new device that allows you to post ahead of time and your posts magically appear in the future due to the fact that I don't know if I will be able to post while I am gone. So, starting Friday stay tuned for nine (?) days of pictures from beautiful places I have had the fortune to visit. I expect everyone to be anxiously awaiting each day at 8:01 AM. Of course, it might not work and in that case I apologize for getting your hopes up.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thangles Block of the Month

I am working on a block of the month project from my local quilt store. I finished the block for June today. It measures 8.5 inches. This is a pretty cool program. The first block was $6 but every month after that the block is only $1 if you bring in the previous month's finished block. I wasn't too sure about the fabric at first for this one, but I ended up liking it. It has these really bright teacups on a yellow background.

Lap Quilt Swap for 1boy1girl1kitty2

I finished another block for the quilt swap I am in. This one is for 1boy1girl1kitty2. I really like the bright Hawaiian prints.

Monday, June 2, 2008

5 tons of rocks...

Over the course of the past week, the major project in our household has been landscaping the front yard. It is so hard to keep grass alive here unless you have a sprinkler system built into the ground, which we don't. It involves going outside every couple of nights and rearranging the sprinkler system to try to keep the grass alive. We decided to get rid of some of the grass and plant xeriscape plants that are suitable to the high desert climate we live in. So along the sidewalk, my husband installed this wall, dug out the grass, and leveled the ground.

We then tilled the soil and put down weed blackout paper, and planted some plants like this Autumn Joy below.
Of course, we then couldn't decide between mulch and rocks. Last year we bought numerous and I do mean numerous bags of mulch for this center island and it already looked bad. So, we decided to go with rocks.
We called a local gravel and rock company and had 5 tons of rocks delivered Saturday morning. So this is what 5 tons of rocks looks like. I thought it would be more, but the pile on our driveway was pretty impressive. It was at least 5 feet tall and sloped down to nine feet from edge to edge. We still have a small pile left to put somewhere...
We pulled back some of the mulch in the middle and added rocks to the island. We also planted a crab apple tree on the right and a dwarf dogwood on the left, which I am praying stays alive-it didn't look to hot after sitting in a pot for a week on our back porch.
In the corner of the yard, we planted grasses and baby's breath. Here you see switch back grass, fountain grass, blue fescue, autumn joy and the really tall grass in the left corner-which I don't remember the official name of.

This final plant is Lena's Broom. It is supposed to get 5 feet tall by about 5 feet wide. It has these gorgeous yellow and orange blooms. I am excited about how much better the yard looks and even more excited that we are close to being done! Now if we can just keep everything alive for the summer. We did put a soaker hose under all those rocks, so we just have to turn the hose on and it waters all of our little baby plants. You can't even see it, which I find very cool.