
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Craftster Lap Quilt Swap

While I was at my parent's house, I worked on some of my blocks for the Craftster swap I am in. The block above is for sew~amy and was completed in Birmingham. This block has traveled! I love the floral fabrics she picked out, especially the green. My mom helped me with it while I was showing her how to make blocks. I cut, sewed individual pieces, and she would press while I was working on the next piece. When you have a personal presser, the blocks come together very quickly! It took me about 2o minutes to actually sew it all together-which is quick for me.

The deadline for the blocks to be sent out is quickly approaching-June 30th-so I have been working hard to catch up since I have been home. The block above is for MissDisney. It is for her husband who is a Miami Dolphin's fan.

The next block is for kaishabackwards. I like the contrast of the burgundy and the white fabric.

Finally, a block for Ezri_B. I went with the wonky log cabin on this one. I love the apple fabric so I wanted to showcase it in the middle surrounded by all the great fabrics she sent. She is going to use the quilt as a picnic quilt when it is all completed. I want her finished quilt; it is going to be so pretty with all these fabulous fabrics.


  1. pretty, I love all the fabric's !! The blocks all look wonderful :)

  2. Your blocks are great! I especially like the first one.

  3. Thanks for sharing! Your blocks are so fun and cheerful. (Thanks for the great background music, too!)
    I am writing from the other side of the Rockies from you~I'm in Southwest Montana, but I am also a transplant from the south. The view is incredible here, as it is in Colorado; very inspirational.
    How long have you been quilting?


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave me a note! I appreciate you!