
Monday, January 2, 2012

Goodbye 2011-Hello, 2012!

I didn't mean to be away from this space for so long.  Things became incredibly busy around here with working full time, going to a fabulous quilt retreat, having guests for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and loving on my two-year-old girl.  I have been sewing away, but I didn't have time to take pictures or upload them or much of anything on the blogging front, which means I have new things to share!

One of my favorite things to do on New Year's is look back at everything I have made over the previous year, so I am going to share that quickly here.

This past year I finished four quilts: scrappy disappearing nine patch, a yo-yo quilt, sewconnected and sewconnected 2.

1. Scrappy Disappearing Nine Patch, 2. Yo-Yo Quilt, 3. Sewconnected Quilt-Back, 4. Sewconnected Quilt, 5. Back of Wonky ABC Quilt, 6. Wonky ABC I-Spy Quilt

This year every quilt I made I absolutely love!

I also worked on several smaller projects throughout the year.

1. A Line Fall Dress, 2. Shearwater Kaftan in Loulouthi, 3. DSC_0147, 4. Memorial Day Weekend 038, 5. hexagon pillow, 6. Tablerunner, 7. FRMQG Mug Rug Swap, 8. back of tutu, 9. Pincushion I paper pieced, 10. School House Tunic, 11. Apron!12. Not available

This coming year I would like to complete the following projects:
-6 dresses for my daughter
-Dog Quilt-(almost finished!)
-Sherbert Pips Quilt-two of these!
-start my Farmer's wife quilt
-baby quilt for my new niece or nephew born in June 2012
-another baby quilt
-Geese in the Forest Quilt-started/ need to finish
-Christmas Quilt for next year
-String Quilt
-Spring tablerunner for my mom
-Finish one more wip

I am hoping setting these goals will help me get them done!  Happy New Year everyone!


  1. Wow, Audrey, these projects are gorgeous! I'm sure your 2012 will be just as productive. Good luck!

  2. And there was your Barcelona skirt, and I'm sure a bunch of others! :)

    You are an inspiration. Really.

    Can't wait to see what comes from Audreypawdrey in 2012! :)

  3. I like looking back on what I made at at the end of the year too. All your projects are beautiful.

  4. That's quite a list! Happy New Year!

  5. A beautiful collection of completed projects. I especially like the rainbow quilt in your header. I want to make Amandas postage stamp quilt and thought I would use the grided fusible interfacing, just can't seem to find anything but the 2" size, would prefer smaller squares.


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