
Monday, June 27, 2011

WIP: Yo-Yo Quilt

 I pulled out my yo-yo quilt this weekend to see how much I had left before it would be finished.  Penny, of sewtakeahike, is doing a yo-yo quilt along this summer, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to finish up this quilt.  Plus, as I have been slowly working on my 60 degree diamond stars, I kept thinking I should really finish my previous hand sewn quilt before I start another one.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that I really don't have a lot left to do!  I have huge sections that are already pieced together that just need to be joined together.

My goal has always been for it to fit a full-size bed, so with a little help, I laid it out to see how big it is on our guest bed.  I think it is big enough!  So my focus this week is going to be to see how far I can get with this quilt over the course of the week.  I spent some time yesterday while Z was napping sitting on the back porch, swinging, and piecing parts of this together.  It was a very pleasant way to spend the afternoon!

This is the very first quilt that I ever started when I didn't know anything about quilting and I didn't own a machine back in 2003 (which is way too long ago!).  I had no idea what I was getting myself into; I just knew I wanted to make a quilt, and I knew I could make yo-yos so I jumped right in! 3,236 yo-yos that finish at 1 5/8" inches across later, and I am close to finishing!

If you want to make one of your own, you should join Penny's quilt-a-long!  If I finish this one soon, I might have to hop in to make another one; did I really just admit that out loud?:)


  1. Holy moly, Audrey!!! This is utterly amazing! I'm very impressed. It's gorgeous!

  2. Neat! I hope it comes together for you over the week!

  3. Wow Audrey! It's amazing and so close to done! You can do it ;)

  4. LInd trabalho,amei
    parabens adoro fuxicos


  5. Your yo yo quilt is awesome! Great Job!!!


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