
Thursday, May 5, 2011


 I recently made the tutu from Oliver + S' new book Little Things to Sew.  I want to make almost all of the projects in this book!  There is so much cuteness in there from little red riding hood capes to sunhats.  Oh, why isn't there more time in my day?

I used four different colors of tulle that I bought at Joannes-a  2 yards of bright pink, a  2 yards of a soft pink, a 2 yards of a salmon and four yards of a soft yellow. 

I love the way it ties in the back, and I love the way the different colors gives it a different look depending on the light.  The ribbons are way too long, but I do like them long.  I made it so it can be reversible with one side having the yellow on the outside and one side has the bright pink, so you get two different looks depending on how it is worn.

It is a little big for my little girl, but it is going to someone else for their birthday that I hope it will fit! It is for a 3-5 year old.  I have enough yardage left over to make another one that is shorter for my girl.  I couldn't wait to see what it looked like, so it is on over her jammies.:)

Other random things that are going on include:
-  I have been trying out contacts this past week, and I have been loving them.  I haven't worn contacts for six years, but I wore them for about twelve years straight before that.  I think my head looks bigger; isn't that weird?

 -If you aren't on pinterest yet, you should check it out.  I have been loving it!  Here is a link to my boards:
 You can request an invite if you don't have one already, and it usually appears within a couple of days.

-There is a Front Range Modern Quilt Guild Meeting on Monday, so if you live in the Denver/Colorado Springs area check it out!  It is a lot of fun, and the people are all great and inspirational.

-Elsie Marley's Kids Week starts next week.  I am plotting what I can make, and while I know I won't have an hour a day, I am determined to make something. 

-I am also up for the challenge behind The Summer of No Pants.  It will have to be the summer of some pants for me though because I don't own enough skirts and dresses for this to completely work!

-This morning when I checked my email I saw the Kate Spain commented on my Barcelona Skirt that I made from her Central Park fabric.  I about died!  It made my day because she is one of my favorite designers, and she likes my skirt.:)  Has this ever happened to you?  It makes me wonder how she stumbled upon that posting, and is she really an Auburn fan.  Either way, she said "Go Auburn" which made me very happy, indeed.:)

Have a happy rest of your week!  I am so glad that it is Thursday.


  1. Love the tutu! I'm surprised your daughter will give it up, even though it's too big. I kept a big dress-up box when my girls were little, and the tutus were a favorite, worn almost daily for awhile.

  2. the tutu is adorable! i love the big bow on it. i can't believe how many yards of tulle it took, though.

    and that is so cool that Kate Spain commented on your blog! even if she isn't an Auburn fan, she can still cheer for them for you :)

  3. okay, i just asked for an invite to pinterest. my bookmarks are OUT. OF. CONTROL. and you have a bunch of the same things pinned there. i also find it annoying how flickr favorites has no way to organize them. i have over 1600 favorited photos and i'd like to find things in there.
    thank you, thank you for the recommendation.

  4. LOVE the tutu. I might have to try that one of these days. :)

    And that's so cool that Kate Spain (can we just call her "xo kate", since that's how she signed it?) commented on your blog post! I had Laurie Wisbrun comment and then want to be a contact on Flicker. I was like "how does she even know I exist!?"

    So you and xo kate are tight, eh? Maybe she can give you the heads-up before her next line comes out. :)


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