
Monday, May 23, 2011

Hexagon Pillow

 I finished my hexagon pillow this past weekend.  I started it last week, and yesterday I added another row of hexagons, quilted, and put it together during nap time.  I love the way it turned out!

I think it will go nicely in the corner of our breakfast nook, and it coordinates well with one side of my tablerunner without being too matchy-matchy.

 I love this fabric on the back!  I quilted on either side of the circles in simple vertical lines.
 This is the first quilted pillow I have made, and it love the extra shape the batting gives it.

 I did a envelope enclosure on the back with binding around the exposed edges of the quilt sandwich.  I didn't want to hand tack the binding down because I wanted it to be finished during nap time, so I experimented with one of the fancy stitches on my sewing machine.  The stitch is a big circle followed by a small circle.  I thought that would look neat next to the circles on the back.

It adds a nice pop of color to the corner of the kitchen!  Today was such a great day.  I finished this pillow and then took my daughter to the park; the weather was beautiful which was great because it has been raining and cold here this past week.

Yesterday was not as good of a day, and if you don't like gross baby stories, don't read on!  We have our house on the market, and we had an open house yesterday from 11-3..  We left at eleven in the morning and went to Chick-fil-A for lunch.  The thought was we would have lunch and then Z could play on the indoor playground there.  We started eating, and then she projectile vomited all over herself,  my pants, and my husbands shirt. I felt so bad for the people eating around us! We had brought extra clothes for her but not for us!  Needless to say, we couldn't go home until 3 and it was 11:15.  So we had to go into Target, which was right next door, and pick up a new pair of pants for me and a new t-shirt for my husband, so we wouldn't have to walk around in yucky clothes for the rest of the day.  We then went on to the park, and the rest of the day was great.  Since then she has been feeling great, so it was some weird fluke.  I learned to always have a change of clothes for me in the car when you can't go back to the house!


  1. Your pillow looks gorgeous.
    Goo luck with the house (and the vomiting). ;)
    Andi x

  2. Nice job on the pillow! Like the envelope back.

  3. I love that hexagon pillow! Great fabrics, and I really like the fancy stitching on the back.

    I apologize for laughing a little bit at your Chick Fil A story.... These are the stories no one tells you before you become a parent!

  4. That looks fantastic!! I can't believe how quickly you got it done--your diamonds better watch out!

  5. What gorgeous pillow! Beautifully made and beautifully photographed. Thanks for having stopped by my giveaway - isn't the SMS event fun? :-)

  6. Such a cheerful corner! Don't be surprised if new owners ask you to leave that with them! lol

    Poor Zerah! My daughter did that one night as I went out to eat with her; hubby had flown ahead to a convention and I was supposed to catch a later flight. Fortunately she missed me, but I was so embarrassed, I just picked her up and left without eating anything. Dropped her off at my mother's and headed for the airport! lol

  7. your pillow is absolutely beautiful. i love the combination of fabrics in it. what a great eye!

    and i'm always the one that gets the projectile vomits now. if Henry cries that "tummy hurt" cry, i'm always the first to scoop him up, and then Henry and i both need a bath. (note to self: maybe i shouldn't try to console him first)

  8. i HEART your pillow. i think that is the perfect size for a hexagon project. you did a lovely job on it!


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