
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Auburn Mugrug from the FRMQG Swap

Last week we had a meeting of the Front Range Modern Quilt Guild, and we exchanged mug rugs that we made for our partners.  I blogged about the one I made here, but at the time I didn't have a picture of the awesome one I received in return.  I had left it in Monument so it could be entered into the Monument Art Hop because I loved it so much that I wanted other people to be able to see it.

Melissa, who made this one for me, took a picture this past weekend to send it to me.  I can't wait until it is in my house, so I can see it everyday.  There are so many things I love about it!  I went to Auburn University for college, and it was really neat that Melissa also attended Auburn. I had the best college experience, and I love Auburn so much.   How cool is it that we went to the same school in Alabama, we now live in Colorado, and we met through the modern quilt guild?  Just to give you a little insight into how deeply Auburn is rooted in my family check  out how many people from my family attend(ed) Auburn: me, my brother, my husband, my brother-in-law, my dad, all of my aunts and uncles (6 of them), five of my six first cousins, numerous second cousins, and the list keeps going on.

She  made it out of lots of blue scraps because I love scraps of fabric, and all of my recent quilts have been made out of scraps!  There are people in my guild that don't believe I buy yardage (Traci), but I do.:)  It is easier for me to use my scraps because I don't worry as much about messing up.  So I love that this has so many blue scraps in it because it reminds me of my scrap quilts.  I love the way she quilted it with the lines going all over-it seems so modern to me.    I don't have a picture of the back, but she put on the cutest label with her name and the title of the swap.  I wish I had done the same to my mug rug, and it will hopefully remind me to do that to my quilts in the future.  Thanks, Melissa!  I love it!


  1. Very nice! I know LOTS of people who would love one of these. The orange quilting is very cool!

  2. I'm really glad you like it as much as you do.


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