
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sewconnected: wip

I pulled out my sewconnected quilt blocks to try to finish up this quilt soon.  I had a little helper, too!  I have started making blocks to make it a little bigger, and I should be able to share those soon. Each block is 12 1/2 inches square, and I would like for it to be either a twin size or a full. 

I am trying to decide how I want to arrange this.  I can't decide between using white sashing for negative space and a place to let your eyes rest, or if I want to put them all together without sashing.    I will probably end up using sashing so it will fit a twin size bed, otherwise I would need to make a lot more blocks!


  1. Not only will white sashing keep you from making lots more blocks, it will look great, too!

  2. Very nice! White sashing will really let the blocks stand out. Your little helper is adorable, BTW...

    Jennifer :)

  3. I would probably opt for the sashing for size. I really like quilts that are something-and-white but I have a hard time doing it. I had an art professor whose policy was that if there was white left on the page, you didn't finish your piece. I can't believe how big your little one is getting. She is SO cute!

  4. you should check out my blog :)

    ps - ubber cute quilt top


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