
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Barcelona Skirt

I finished a skirt for me this past week.  I made the Barcelona Skirt by Amy Butler in Kate Spain's Central Park.  I love the bright orange, and I think it will be perfect for watching Auburn football games in the fall with a denim jacket.  I intentionally bought the orange because it was close to Auburn orange;  does anyone else pick fabric based on football?:)

I received an invisible zipper foot for Christmas, and this was my first time using it.  It was a lot easier than I thought it would be to put an invisible zipper in with a lining!  I shortened the skirt about five inches, so it would hit at my knees.  It will be nice to wear this summer, too.  I am very happy with the way it turned out, and now I want to make more!  The pattern is easy to understand and follow; it is a great basic a-line skirt pattern.

In other news, I signed up to go to this quilt retreat today!  It is my birthday present, and I am so excited about it.  I want to learn how do more paper piecing, and Penny, from sewtakeahike, is amazing at it.  You have to check out this mixer that she designed and pieced.  I just read about the retreat last night on crazymomquilts blog, and she is going to be there too!  I can't wait to meet such amazing quilters and learn new skills!

I am actually including a picture of my head in this photo for the first time ever.  I like knowing what people look like, so I figured other people did too.:)


  1. You look great! Love the skirt :)

  2. Love the skirt!!! So jealous you're going to the retreat!

  3. It's really nice, Audrey! I love that it has some versatility, like pairing it with a denim jacket for a more sporty/casual look or with boots as you show here for a more hip/chic look. I still shy away from anything to do with zippers, but maybe this foot is just what I need.

    Have a great day!


  4. Love the skirt! It looks fabulous and you should have plenty of options with it.

  5. Very nice skirt! And what fun, to go on a quilting retreat!!

  6. Audrey!!!! I'm so excited that you're coming to the retreat! Oh, we are going to have so much fun, I can't even tell you!!!
    Tara and I have been talking food and prizes and stuff and I'm just giddy.
    and I'm totally loving the skirt you made! Orange has really grown on me the last year or so and I can't get enough of it!

  7. love your skirt. And I know that retreat will be so fun.

  8. your skirt is fantastic!
    i'll be at the retreat, too, so i'll get to sew with you in person! i'm so excited!

  9. You are funny! I do not pick colors based on football but I did refrain from buying my family any souvenirs when I went to see my sister. All they had was OU stuff and we do not support OU in this house!

    The skirt looks great on you!

  10. I love my Barcelona skirt! (I made the 4-tiered version). I plan on making another one in red polka dots for the summer. And I think the orange Central Park is JUST BRILLIANT!

  11. your skirt looks GREAT on you! it was so fun to meet you and sew with you all weekend long! and by golly if i didn't forget to take a few eye spy blocks to sew up. sorry, i totally blanked it out. if you want to send them to me, i'd still be happy to help you out. :)

  12. You are too cute! I love your skirt (and your smile) so much! That print is one of my favorites and it's fun to see you so happy in it! Congrats on a great job. Go Auburn! xo, kate


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