
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mini Quilt from Scandinavian Stiches

 Look at what I found at my local library!  My library is about a mile and a half from my house, and I take my daughter for walks by it all the time when the weather is nice outside.  A couple of weeks ago, we were walking by, and I spotted Scandinavian Stitches through the window!  I have been wanting to see this book, and there it is!  I was beyond excited, and we quickly ventured into the library before it could be scooped up by someone else.:)  While I was there, I thought I should check out the other crafting books they might have and found Gees Bend: The Architecture of the Quilt, which is full of inspiration, and Doodle Stitching, which I want to experiment with more.

I have been enjoying all of these books, but Scandinavian Stitches has been great.  I love every single one of the projects in the book, and they are all well explained.  I want to make everything!  I did make this little mini-quilt from the book.
I love the birds floating through space.  It is about 10"x13", and it was fun appliqueing the little birds by using raw edge applique.  Now I need to find a space to hang it up!

1 comment:

  1. This is really fabulous! I love all the different fabrics you used with your birds and the scrappy binding.


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