
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Scrappy Christmas Quilt-finished!

This past weekend I finished Zerah's scrappy Christmas quilt!  I quilted it during Zerah's nap on Thursday, and I sewed the binding on during the Auburn/ Alabama game on Friday and Saturday night while rewatching the game.  We won!  I think we watched the game three times this past weekend. We are huge Auburn fans because my husband and I both went there, as did my brother, his brother, my dad, his dad, all of my aunts and uncles, most of my cousins, and really the list can go on and on.

I am very happy with the way the quilt turned out.  It is about 46" by 46" square. It is backed with a soft green flannel sheet that I have had for a while.  Six of the blocks were made from the Scrappy Christmas block swap I participated in last summer.  I made the three blocks on the diagonal from the bottom left corner to the upper right corner.  Zerah has already been sitting on it looking intently at all of the fabric, pointing at everything, and saying, "Dis" and "Dat".  She likes it!


  1. You finished it beautifully, Audrey! No doubt Zerah will enjoy many warm and cozy moments with her new scrappy Christmas quilt.

    Of course you came to mind as I watched the Auburn/Alabama game. :) It will be a crazy and fun post season!

    Happy December!

  2. This turned out beautifully. Great job!

  3. It's adorable! Of course Zerah likes it--she's her momma's daughter!


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