
Monday, August 30, 2010

Circle Skirts!

This past week I finished up my circle skirt class at the Fancy Tiger in Denver. I made two circle skirts! These were actually pretty easy to make once you figured out your dimensions. Since they are made using your own measurements, they fit perfectly! They have a jersey band waist so they are super comfortable, too. The class was a lot of fun, and there were only two of us taking the class so I received as much help as I needed. I do love small classes.

I am really happy with the way they came out!


  1. Those are both really cool! Really love the fabric in the first skirt. A sewing class sounds fun. I think it'd be helpful to learn proper techniques vs my crazy made up ones ;)

  2. Cool skirts! I love the leaf fabric!

  3. they are both so cute. I love wearing skirts.

  4. Fun! This has been on my to-do list for the entire summer... better get on it fast!

  5. Very pretty! I've never heard of a circle skirt before, what's the circle part that gives them the name?


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