
Monday, August 30, 2010

Circle Skirts!

This past week I finished up my circle skirt class at the Fancy Tiger in Denver. I made two circle skirts! These were actually pretty easy to make once you figured out your dimensions. Since they are made using your own measurements, they fit perfectly! They have a jersey band waist so they are super comfortable, too. The class was a lot of fun, and there were only two of us taking the class so I received as much help as I needed. I do love small classes.

I am really happy with the way they came out!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hoot! Hoot! Part 2

I am making clothes for Zerah for her first birthday, and this past weekend I finished another owl inspired dress. I have been admiring applique recently, but I don't have an embroidery machine; my mom and my mother-in-law both do! So, I decided to try appliqueing an owl the old school way. I used some scraps from other dresses, my Anna Tunic (for his head-Zerah and I can match!), and some from my hourglass quilt. I fused the scraps on, and then zig-zagged around the owl. Although there are a few places where it isn't perfect, I am happy with my first applique experience!

I went a little crazy with the jumbo ric-rack, and I used my ruffler on the highest setting to make some serious ruffles. The ric-rack looks crooked here, but the wind was blowing the dress a little; it is straight!

This is the last owl dress that I will make her for this fall, but she may need one next fall, too!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Anna Tunic

I finished a shirt for me this past week, and I finally got pictures this past weekend. It is the Anna Tunic by Amy Butler. I found it pretty easy to construct, although I thought it would be hard to do. It is fully lined, and it can be worn with the belt or without. I really like the collar area, and the way it closes in the back.

It is easy to slip on over my head without fastening the buttons, which is nice. I will be able to wear it to work or on weekends. I think it will look cute with either jeans or khakis, and I am really excited about wearing it. That is pretty good for one of my first handmade shirts for me!

I am definitely making it again, and I already have some fabric for a version out of Amy Butler Midwest Modern in green

Pattern: Amy Butler Anna Tunic
Size: Medium-I may try the small next time, as it is a little big.
Fabric: Joanne's

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Hoot! Hoot!

I have started making Zerah some clothes for fall/winter out of corduroy. I love corduroy. I found some really cute corduroy at Joanne's this past week, and I made her a little owl dress. I added some ribbon I had and a ruffle along the bottom out of some scrap fabric leftover from one of my quilts. It matches well, doesn't it? I love being able to use fabric that is leftover from previous projects, and it reinforces the desire to keep every usable scrap because it might come in handy. That is, of course, why my scrap bins are a wreck.:) I also found the cute flower buttons there as well.

I think it will be cute for October and for Thanksgiving. I really like the dark brown and orange together. Here are the details:

Pattern: Lucy by Children's Corner
Size: 12 months
Fabric: Joanne's

Friday, August 6, 2010

Rapunzel Dress

When I saw that Heather Ross was coming out with more of her fairy tale prints in the Far Far Away 2 line, I knew I had to make a dress out of them. So I picked up the Rapunzel print and the coordinating roses to make this little dress out of for Zerah.

I have made this pattern before, but it about drove me crazy this time. I kept sewing the sides up in the wrong order enclosing the straps; I ripped out the sides no less than three times, but I like the way it turned out.

Pattern: Bonnie Blue Madison
Fabric: Far Far Away 2 by Heather Ross
Lining is orange and white gingham
Size: 18-24 months

I have been taking Zerah for three mile walks everyday this summer while I have been home trying to be active. It is nice to get outside in the fresh air. Here is the view on our walk today:

It was beautiful out!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

McKenna Playsuit with Amy Butler Midwest Modern

While I was down in Mobile, my mother-in-law, Shelia, gave me some of her scraps from her sewing projects and this pattern. I had to sew something last week because I had been away from my sewing machine for so long! I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms... So using some of the scraps and the pattern, I made this little playsuit for next summer. I am trying to make things ahead because Zerah has plenty of clothes for right now.:)

I like the way this turned out! The top fabric is one of my favorites. I really need to pick up some of this fabric for a shirt for me.

Pattern: Bonnie Blue McKenna
Size: 18-24 months
Fabric: Amy Butler Midwest Modern

Monday, August 2, 2010

Back from Vacation!

Actually, we returned home early last week, but it has taken me a while to start sorting through photos, unpacking, washing clothes, etc. We went to Mobile, Panama City, and Sandestin over two weeks, and it was fabulous. It is so nice to have time to see family since we live so far away from them.

While there we went to the beach, Seaside, ate delicious seafood, and had a wonderful time. I had such delicious food! I tried to eat as much seafood as possible including three shrimp po'boys, fried oyster blt sandwich, red snapper pontchartrain, lime marinated shrimp on grilled grit cakes with mango black bean salsa, fried shrimp, shrimp and grits, grouper sandwich, and I know I am forgetting some!

Zerah did pretty good with traveling. I flew with her alone on the way down. We flew from Denver to Atlanta and then onto Mobile. The leg to Atlanta went great; she slept and played and was happy. From Atlanta to Mobile, she cried and cried and cried. I was that person on the plane who received all the nasty looks, but she was overtired and nothing much could be done. The return flight went much better because my husband was there to help with her.

I made a camera strap cover and bag to take down to my cousin-in-law, Shanna, who made Zerah a beautiful sweater. It is my first camera strap cover and I thinking of making some for my shop. It was fun to use some of my scraps for this project.

I also made a bag for her. It is a simple bag, but I really like the patchwork strip down the front.

Shanna and her mom worked together to make this cute set for Zerah. Shanna knitted the sweater which I love. Isn't it the cutest thing? I love the ribbon around the yoke. Sharon made the watermelon pillowcase dress that goes with it. They are so cute!I also came home with about twenty homemade outfits for Zerah from my mother-in-law. They are all so beautiful. I need to take a picture of all of Zerah's dresses that I have made and others have made for her so when she complains that she doesn't have any clothes to wear as a teenager, I can show her how rotten she was as a baby.:)

I should have more posts this week as I have made another outfit for Zerah since we have been back and I have been cooking quite a bit as well. If I haven't been around to visit your blog, I will get there eventually. My google reader has +1000 posts to read; it may be a while.