
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Lucky, lucky, lucky!

I have been very lucky lately in numerous ways! A while back, I won Handmade Beginnings by Anna Marie Horner from the blogtour while it was at Handmade by Alissa's. It came in the mail today, and I have been perusing it while plotting what to make first. It looks like such a great book.

Isn't this little jacket fabulous? It is so cute! I have some Lizzy House Duck fabric that I have been saving for a jacket, and it may end up being this one.

I really love the patchwork sleeper, but I do wonder if it is too late for Zerah to really use it. I also love the little booties, and I am making her some for the fall.

The sixth times a charm quilt top is awesome! I am definitely putting that on my list of quilts to make.Thank you, Alissa, for such a great prize! If aren't familiar with Alissa's blog, you should definitely check it out; she makes absolutely beautiful quilts.

In addition, SewMamaSew had a huge blog giveaway day a couple weeks ago, and I won a package from Foziewisp.

I was actually the third name that she drew, and she sent me a package! There is all kinds of goodies in here. I love the dresden plate patchwork pieces and the fabric scraps.

There was also a pattern, lace, trim, buttons, metallic thread, a flamingo applique, and pom-poms! I am going to have fun adding little bits and pieces to different projects. Wasn't that generous of her? Thank you foziewisp!

IN ADDITION, I also won a yard of fabric from Twiddletails, during Amy's Blogger's Quilt Festival! I entered this quilt and actually won a prize! I think I will be redeeming my prize for a yard of this owl fabric by Alexander Henry. Thank you to both Amy and Twiddletails for the great prize! If you haven't checked out her store, she has some great fabric with a section specifically for dots.:)


  1. You certainly are lucky lady!!!
    Enjoy! Enjoy!
    Andi :-)

  2. You need to go buy a lotto ticket now. Have fun with the new stuff.

  3. You and my husband!! He's the lucky one in our family. Have fun with all your goodies. Can't wait to see what you come up with!


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