
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Postage Stamp Quilt Progress

Remember my postage stamp quilt? I started it two years ago this month. That is so long ago! I decided it was time to finally finish it in time for Jacquie's Spring to Finish challenge. So I pieced together the back last week, basted it last weekend, and started to stipple it.

I started stippling and sewed away for a long time. When my bobbin ran out, I flipped it over and found this mess on the back.

I thought I would cry, but I didn't. Instead, I have pulled out my seam ripper and started ripping it out.

...and ripping some more....

So, I am still in the ripping stage, and this will not be finished before the Spring to Finish Challenge ends. I will persevere, and it will be finished soon. I love it, and I don't know why it has taken me so long to finish.


  1. Very pretty! I have been thinking about doing one of these but seeing on how I'm a HUGE procrastinator... I should finish up my other WIPs before I start anything else.

  2. oahhhhhh
    we all feel your "pain"
    it is going to be beautiful


  3. Oh nooo!!!
    Good on you for persisting!!

  4. Oh that is so sad and frustrating. It is a wonderful quilt, can't wait to see it finished.

  5. looks like maybe a tension problem with the thread? Oh my goodness, I, too, can feel your pain but I would do the same thing - start ripping! I'm so glad you're finishing this quilt though because it is one of my favorites that you're doing. This one and the yo-yo one. You are SO inspiring!


Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave me a note! I appreciate you!