
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Our new little girl...

I haven't been around much in this space recently, but there is a a very good reason! Please let me introduce our new little girl, Zerah Blythe. She was born on September 19th at 2:30 a.m. I have been spending all my time, it seems, just admiring this little one.

I worked up until the day she was born. I think I willed her to wait to come until I had finished up everything at work! My last scheduled day was Friday and I left work right before lunch because I was having contractions that were twenty minutes apart-they were 3 minutes apart by noon! She was due on Sunday, the 20th.

We went into the hospital at 1:30 that afternoon, but were sent home because the contractions were not intense enough, and I wasn't dilated at all. That was extremely frustrating. I was determined not to be sent home from the hospital again so I waited until I couldn't stand it anymore-so we left for the hospital at midnight. I still wasn't sure if we should leave or wait a little longer and told my husband and mom that I was sorry if we were sent home again.

When we arrived, the hospital was super busy with four people that came in at the same time as me with one girl's water breaking upon arrival. When they finally checked sometime after 1 am, I was dilated to 7 cm, and Zerah was born an hour an a half later. I had not fully decided if I wanted drugs or not, so when they asked me if I wanted an epidural at around 1:30 I decided I had come this far without it and could persevere without one. I was very freaked out about a shot in my spine and some of the side effects; I am glad I did not have one because it would have kicked in almost too late and lasted longer than I needed it. Since I did not have one, I was alert and Zerah was fully alert when she was born. It really happened just like I wanted it to; I was very blessed to have a really good experience. Most of the delivery doctors were out of town on a retreat that night so a midwife who works for the hospital was the one who delivered Zerah; I think this worked out for the best, too.

My mom lives out of town and was originally scheduled to arrive Saturday night. When I talked to my parents Thursday night, my dad decided Zerah was going to come early so he convinced her to fly out a day early. I don't know how he knew because I sure didn't! She arrived at our house at ten, just in time to go to the hospital with us at midnight and be there for her grand-daughter's birth.

She is named after my great-grandmother and my husband's grandmother. We wanted something unique that was also from our family.

We are all doing well and starting to catch up on everything. I actually have had a little bit of time to sew this past week.:)


  1. Congratulations! She is ADORABLE!!

  2. She is beautiful and her name is adorable! Congrats on your baby girl :)t

  3. Congratulations!!!
    She is beautiful.
    Sounds like you are doing really well.
    Yay you!!
    Andi :-)

  4. What a sweet little girl! Glad you had such a great birth experience and that your parents made it out in time. Take care of yourself and that cute baby.

  5. oh, she's just darling! congratulations!!! <3

  6. Congrats on your beautiful little girl!

  7. Congratulations! She is absolutely beautiful!

  8. Congrats. She's adorable.

  9. That really is a great story, Audrey. I hadn't heard the progression of events. It sounds like it all worked out perfectly! BTW, way to go to your dad for calling it just right so that grandma could be there!

  10. She is exquisite, Audrey! And I love her name. She is so bright-eyed--bet she's a fast learner.

    I wondered when we went a couple of weeks without hearing from you--figured your little angel must be here.

    Congratulations to Mom and Pop and alll the relatives!

  11. She is beautiful Audrey! And I'm so glad you had a wonderfully easy birth!!! Congrats to all of you

  12. Congratulations, Audrey, and welcome, Baby Zerah to the world! She's so beautiful! You must be such a happy mother <3<3<3

  13. Congratulations! Just enjoy that sweet baby 'cause she'll grow up so fast.

  14. Congratulations! She is beautiful! I am so happy for you!

  15. Congratulations! What a beautiful daughter. May you have many years together in love and happiness.

  16. After seeing the quilt, I just had to see Zerah !
    What a beautiful baby, and an ideal delivery !
    Congratulations, mommy .

  17. Congratulations again! She is so precious and tiny - enjoy every moment :)

  18. Congratulations Audrey! She's a lovely little girl and I adore her name:) Wishing you all the best...hugs, Marilyn

  19. audrey,
    i'm so behind i can't believe i missed this! congratulations!!! she's gorgeous and you are so blessed!! enjoy!

  20. She is beautiful and her name is adorable! Congrats on your baby girl :)t

    Work from home India


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