
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sewconnected August and Sewconnected2 July

I finished some blocks for two of my swaps over the last week or so. I have been slow at posting the pictures though, so here they are. Amy, at acommonplacelife, is working on a quilt based on a quilt by Kafe Fassett with many blocks within blocks so she requested the same from us for her month of sewconnected.

I made an assortment of sizes ranging from 3.5" square to 9.5"square. In the picture above, there are 5-3.5" and 1-6.5". The little teeny tiny squares that you see in some of the blocks above are 1/4" square! She sent foundation papers to make the smallest ones. They were fun to make. The picture above is a little washed out; the true colors are closer to the pictures that follow.

The three blocks above are 9.5" square. I love the fabrics she sent for us to use. I did add the horse in the last block because it seemed to fit the rest of the fabrics to me.

I also finished this last block for Jacquie of Tallgrass Prairie Studio. She wanted us to make blocks based off a drawing one of her sons completed with the beautiful color palette she selected. I felt like I was back in college in one of my two dimensional design classes playing with the layout and composition of this block. I love how it turned out, but I did mess up on the block. She requested that the black lines be 1/2" wide but somehow I read 1" wide so I am hoping that she will be able to use it. I apologized and she gracefully stated that she was sure she would be able to use it, but I still feel horrible. When I realized my mistake, it was too late to go back and fix it because it was already in the mail. It also makes me mad at myself because I was so happy with the way it came out.

I started back to work last week, so I am having to adjust to not having as much time to sew, play, write on this blog, or keep up with other blogs. It is hectic getting everything ready since I will be taking a leave of absence once the baby comes-only 5 weeks give or take! I have a couple more pictures to share of things that I managed to get done last week and this past weekend to share but not much actual sewing has occurred in the last couple of days or probably will occur in the next week or so.


  1. The blocks are so beautiful! It's hard to really pick a favorite because each is unique. But I do love the basic colors of Jacquie's block. I can understand how you feel about misreading the size. I would feel the exact same way. But, no worries. I'm sure she'll be able to place it.

    Five weeks? WOWOWOW!!! You've done so much in getting ready for your daughter's arrival. One day at a time until then and enjoy every precious moment.

  2. You are getting so close! I would imagine getting ready for maternity leave would be an added challenge - don't forget to enjoy the last 5 weeks :) Your blocks look great, I love that horse in the center!

  3. Wonderful blocks. I can't imagine working with a 1/4" block.

  4. You started back to work only 6 weeks before the baby is due? Isn't that the opposite of what's usual? lol

  5. the blocks are all great. i need to get going on amy's blocks. can't believe that the little one's arrival is getting so close. you must be so excited. take care of you!

  6. Not sure if you were busy over the weekend or not checking email but I let you know that I sent your fabric last week :) m


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