
Thursday, July 16, 2009

sewconnected: June

I finished my blocks for the sewconnected group for June. These two are for krommama who always does these wonderful wonky houses. She asked that we make our own improvisational wonky log cabinish houses out of our scraps for her month. I had a lot of fun going through my scrap pile and pulling out strips. I think these little houses could easily become quite addictive!

I am calling this one the "money pit"-he he. I found the bathtub girl and the money and couldn't resist thowing them into this block together.


  1. thank you! i love them both. and i love the title "money pit". i call our dog the money pit because he gets into trouble then has to go to the vet.

  2. I saw this first on FB. I'm back in the blogging world again. It's very therapeutic but my energy level is way down and my motivation to do anything creative is down. I'm hoping looking at all your creations will help as it did in the very beginning when the first thing I did every morning was look at audreypawdrey! Thanks for being such a positive influence in my life, Audrey! These are very cute. I have a "wonky" block quilt book that I would love to get into one day.

  3. I really, really like the wonky log cabins and the fabrics are too much fun!

  4. What fun blocks! I have recently been making a lot of houses, cottages and wonky cabin blocks, they are positively addictive! I love what you did using just your scraps. I haven't done that yet!


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