
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nine Patch One A Day Quilt A Long

I have been participating in Crazymomquilt's One a Day Quilt a Long but I have not been great about making one a day! Here are the 35 squares I have made so far out of the 70(!) I will need. I am about 15 behind where I should be in days. I am trying to not use a single fabric too many times, which is really making me dig through some scraps. The goal is to only use scraps and only purchase the background fabric. It is slow going, but it is progress.:) I am really excited about how this is all going to come together at the end.


  1. YOu have 35 more squares than I do. LOL! You have a great selection of colors.

  2. It is looking good ans scarpy, love it.

  3. I think it looks great so far!

  4. It's beautiful Audrey, and given everything else you've been doing, I think you're doing very well! You'll catch up in no time and jump ahead, no doubt!

    I really like nine patch. And your colors are bright and happening. Very nice!

  5. You have way more squares than I do. Guess I need to get busy!

  6. i love your blocks! they look so bright and cheery!

  7. wow! your scraps are gorgeous! love to see your beautiful progress!


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