
Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My Quilting to do list...

One of my goals this year is to finish most of my unfinished projects. I want to leave some room for new and exciting things that come my way so I won't say ALL of my projects but most of them. Here is my list with pictures:
1. This is my quilt top from the Star Quilt A Long that crazymomquilts hosted last spring into summer. I still need to finish the backing, baste, quilt, and bind this one. I do love how it turned out.

2. Finish a table runner like this for me before Christmas next year. I have the top pieced and it is basted. Now it just needs to be quilted and bound. I ran out of time before Christmas this year. This is the one I gave my mom.:)

3. Finish my hourglass quilt. All of the rows are sewn together into a rectangle of 10x15 blocks. I bought orange dots for the border. I need to sew on the orange border, get backing fabric, baste, and bind this quilt.

4. My quilt blocks from LQS3 need to be pieced together. I still haven't decided on sashing or not. I am leaning toward sashing in tan or a purple or green....maybe even orange but probably not.

5. These blocks are from the 50 state block swap. I need to make two more and then I have no idea how to put this together. I can't decide on the finished size but 50 blocks is an awkward number for me. Would it be 25 blocks by 2? 5 x 10?

6. Tokyo Triangles Quilt
I have made so many of these! I really need to count. I still haven't figured out how to piece the big and small ones that sit side by side.

7. Yo-Yo Quilt
This is the neverending quilt project. I might finish this year. I have so many 12x12 blocks that are pieced together. I just haven't finished sewing them in strips and then the strips together. This is around 1,000 yo-yos.

8. This is a quilt top from the first two rounds of the Craftster Lap Quilt Swap. It needs backing fabric, to be basted, quilted, and bound.

9. Scrappy Disappearing Nine Patch
This is just the top. I have started a pieced backing which I need to finish. It then needs to be basted, quilted, and bound. I really want to finish this one this year.

10. Postage Stamp Quilt
I still have not made up my mind on how to put this together. I am leaning toward adding small white strips around each square so they look like paints in watercolor tray but leaving them in this arrangement. They are not all exactly the same size-which worries me. Each square is made up of 100 1.5" square of fabric.

11. Thangles BOM 2008
I only have 8 of these blocks finished. I may make one more and then turn it into a baby quilt.

12. 1930's BOM
I have eight of these six each blocks complete. It is an ongoing offer at my local quilt shop so I am not going to mark this one to complete this year. I would like to catch up on all the months that I am missing-about ten. I would also like to learn how to applique so I can also complete the applique blocks that go with this project!

I am afraid that I am forgetting a project! My goal will be to complete one of the projects listed above a month. If I can accomplish that goal, I will have eleven finished projects for 2009. I can start a new project when I have completed one. There is no way I could make it through the year without starting a new project, plus I already have a couple in mind!:)


  1. Thanks, it was fun to look at all your projects! You work on such a variety, very cool. I've never seen a scrappy disappearing 9-patch before -- it's fun!

  2. omg Audrey you have been busy . I love seeing all the projects. They are all beautiful.

  3. Wow! I think every project looks just fantastic--I'd have a hard time choosing which one to finish first, because they're all so great! I love the postage stamp one the best (I think).

    Nice work!

  4. You have a lot of lovely projects ready to complete. I'm looking forward to seeing them in the future. I really like the Tokyo quilt.

  5. Wow, what a wonderful list you have!I love love love your d9-patch! How big is it? It looks so big! Your postage stamp quilt is so much farther along than mine! It's nice to see the Thangles in a diff colorway. I started with both my LQS offered, but haven't loved all the choices. Perhaps your 50 states could be a two-sided quilt? Ok, I could chat about every one of your great projects all day, but I think there is a comment limit!

  6. Holy Toledo! I cannot believe how many different blocks and projects you have worked on. Impressive! I think it's a great idea posting them here that you can work "from the list." I've no doubt you'll complete a project a month, as you hope to do, and have fun with anything new you want to start.

    And how to pick favorites from these? Impossible! Each is so spectacularly different and beautiful!

  7. I agree with everyone’s comment. All of the quilts are gorgeous.
    Was wondering what had happened to your state quilt. You will be very busy for the rest of this year.

    Can’t wait to see and hear about your next project.

  8. I love them all!! Which one will begin the finishing parade?

  9. Wow, all your projects are beautiful, even as WIPs! I wish you luck in finishing them all! My favorite is probably your postage stamp quilt cuz all the rainbow colors are gorgoues and I'm still amazed by all those tiny squares of fabric! You can do it, Audrey!

  10. I love all your WISP's! I still need to finish my Quilt A Long Quilt - maybe this month. I have 2 more blocks to do and the borders....These will all be fantastic when done - I can't wait to see which one you do first!

  11. Your WIPs are all pretty close to being done! Your quilting foot will get a workout this year :)

  12. Well, you definitely have your work cut out for you! (pun intended)

    I really like that postage stamp quilt. I have a bookoodle of 1 1/2" squares I've been saving for one, and have been using Bonnie's leaders and enders method, but it never occurred to me to sort them by color.

  13. I have 3 left on the 50 states. I was thinking 10x5 but adding borders and things. Who knows. Maybe stagger them in between solid colored squares. I havent thought about it yet:-)

  14. oh dear the guilt is washing over me. i made a commitment to myself to finish up my tops from have inspired me to kick myself in the butt and get going. thanks!

  15. Gorgeous! Love the yo-yos and the gesse, and, and. Finishing feels great. Keep up the good work.

  16. I am SO inspired by you. I love everything you have going but there's something about that top quilt, maybe the colors I like on the white background. But I also love the disappearing nine patch, the postage stamp and the yo yos. I think psychologically it's good to just put them in a row on your blog and organize them that way to finish plus you have set goals and you can SEE what you've accomplished. Beautiful work and thanks for sharing with us! (Maybe you could just add in solid squares for your 50 states?)

  17. I love your quilts, especially postage stamp.

    With the 50-state star quilt, have you considered staggering the star blocks in a 6-5-6-5-6-5-6-5-6 grid, like the stars on the US flag? Deep blue sashing would be a treat.

    Thanks for sharing your work. You inspire me to think BIG. :)


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