
Friday, February 6, 2009

King Cake

I made a King Cake last night to take to a newly started knitting club this afternoon. These cakes are so yummy! I use this recipe from Southern Living and definitely include the baby. I frosted both of the cakes before adding the sprinkles , and I should have iced and then sprinkled immediately so they would stick better. Oh well, it will still taste good! My husband had a slice last night and immediately found the baby. :)

For those of you interested in the history of the king cake, here is a short summary.
  • The top is sprinkled with purple representing justice, green representing faith, and gold representing power-the traditional mardi gras colors.
  • Cakes are made between the Twelfth Night and Ash Wednesday-January 6th to February 25th this year.
  • At some point in the mid 1900's, it became a tradition to place a small plastic baby inside of each cake. There are a couple different theories involved with the baby. Each person takes a piece of cake and the person who receives the baby is "crowned" King or Queen for the day. That person then has to throw the next party and make the next cake. I think it is good luck!
If you make one, I would love to know!


  1. Oh, WOW! It looks just like the king cake on fb! So cool! I had no idea of the history. Thanks so much for that as well as the recipe. Enjoy your afternoon knitting club and I know all will just love your delicious baked art!

  2. What a fun cake, it looks YUMMY! Thanks for the link I'll have to try my hand at it, although I am definitely not a baker!

  3. I enjoyed reading about the history, too! I just love the colors of mardis gras and that cake is so cute. Enjoy your knitting club. What fun to have a club doing something you all enjoy. I was looking at knitting books today in Michael's but haven't knitted since college. SO. . . I bought a little crocheting book with the little amigurumi animals. Have you seen those on the blogs? They're SO cute and shouldn't take long to crochet one since they're so little. (As if I NEED some other hobby! ha!) I think I'm ADD!

  4. The cake looks delicious. I don't dare bake a cake at the time. Or I might not have fat quarters to give away on Monday. Have a great weekend!

  5. That looks yummy - I'll have to make it and see if the kids find the baby! Thanks!

  6. I've never heard of a king cake before--and had no idea there were actual reasons for the colors of mardi gras! I've been enlightened!

    That cake looks really good. I might have to try one.

  7. Gorgeous cake! I made one of those about 10 years ago for my daughter's swim team -- gone in no time! Yours looks fabulous.

  8. So then your husband is the King and he has to throw the next party?
    That all works great for you huh?
    LOL great story cool cake maybe I'll try that one.


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