
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Craftster Lap Quilt Top Fall Edition coming together, finally...

I spent this past weekend and President's day trying to finish up or at least make progress on a couple of projects. I started with my Craftster Lap Quilt from round three which I have had most of the blocks for since October! So I decided I needed three more blocks so I could have a total of 30 12.5" blocks for a full size quilt. This is the biggest quilt I have ever attempted and I may be over my head.
Here are a few of the blocks I made to finish up....
I am working with small scraps of leftover fabric which is a little limiting, but I am happy with how they all came out! They are all square, but I can't seem to take a picture at the right angle where they appear square.

Here are all the blocks laid out on the floor. I started sewing rows together last night and now I need to add horizontal sashing between the rows. I went with a soft lilac color, which I really like, for the sashing.

I also went to the post office yesterday with all of my packages for the current round of the Craftster Lap Quilt Swap. I am so happy that I finally finished all of the blocks and got them packaged and mailed. It took forever to just assemble everything to mail out. There are 19 envelopes! The people behind me in line were not amused to say the least, but they are all in the mail now. It was an expensive trip to the post office at around $30...

There is talk of another round starting next month. I may have to take a break due to the fact that I have consistently been in this swap for a year now and haven't had time to actually finish any of the four quilts that will come out of these swaps! It has been a lot of fun though and I highly encourage everyone to try at least one of this swaps out.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Love all the colors you sent out for your quilt - and your blocks look great :) I don't blame you for taking a little swap break! Just keeping up with 2 blocks a month can be a challenge for me - LOL!

  2. Ah! These are happy blocks! I love the colors, the fabrics. The lilac is pretty...soft & spring-like. Sweet. Good job & I know it must feel fantastic to have those packages in the mail. Take a breather. You've earned it!

  3. Love the colors in your quilt. Fresh and happy. Can't wait to see it come together.

  4. Wow, that's so bright and fun! You'll be so happy with it when it's all quilted and bound and DONE :)

    Honestly, I am thinking of taking a break, too. I will probably still organize but not participate. Decisions, decisions...

  5. Wow! Those colors are fantastic! And don't worry about taking a break. Like McDonald's - you deserve a break today! ha! I can't even get one block done lately! I really have people to take care of now and my mother's health has declined so it's tough right now. But you cheer me up with looking at your blog and what you've done. Thanks for that!

  6. I haven't had much time to stitch lately, but it's good to see what others are up to. Your quilt is looking good.

  7. wow...look at that, audrey. it's amazing. this is going to come together beautifully! i admire you for doing a swap like this..i can barely get one block made for my quilting bees. great work!!

  8. Audrey, all of your blocks look great! I'll look forward to seeing a finished top soon? :)

  9. Oh I love this one - the purples are lovely! I cannot wait to see it finished! Where in the heck do you find the time????

  10. Such a delightful quilt! It's been fun seeing all the blocks you made for everyone else, too. It's a great way to do a swap.


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